School newspapers and literary societies. "Editorials" / Prudence Withers, School Paper (1898) --
"The history of the Lygaeum" / Priscilla Washington, Lincoln High School Annual (1904) --
"The mouse" / Nettie Worth, Indian News (1907) --
"Are you building a house or a shack?" / Doris Mae Wells, The Lincolnian (1916) --
"Irresistible charm" / Alma Green, Coles Pilot (1937) --
The girls' league gazette (1944) --
Friendship albums and yearbooks. Friendship album / Mary Virginia (Early) Brown, The Indian News (1840) --
"Our class history" / Rosalie Sherman, The Lincolnian (1907) --
"Class history" / Thelma M. Brinson, The Lincolnian (1925) --
"Class prophecy" / Carrie Gipson, Hermena Clay (1922) --
Signatures / Lucille Booth, The Tiger (1954) --
Signatures / LouAnn Phelps, Clarion (1971) --
Poetry and short stories. Reliquiae turrellae, et lachrymae paternae / Jane Turell (Benjamin Colman) (1735) --
"On virtue" (1766) ; "To the University of Cambridge, in New-England" (1767) ; "On being brought from Africa to America" (1768) ; "On the death of a young lady of five years of age" (1770) / Phillis Wheatley --
"Some verses" / Dora Read Goodale (1877) --
"The young hunter" / Florence E. Tyng (1879) --
"Lines to my classmates" / Edna L. Turner (1920) --
"Too young" / Grace Sibley (1926) --
"Sixteen" / Maureen Daly (1938) --
"I never knew" / Mary Betty Anderson (ca. 1930s) --
"My plea" / Mary Matsuzawa (1945) --
"The bend in the road" / June Moriwaki (1945) --
"Awakening" / Beth Hinds (1961) --
"Busy Betty" / Morgan Childs (2000) --
"I am" / Lauren Cannell (2002) --
Letters and notes. A girl's life eighty years ago / Eliza Southgate Bowne (1797-1802) --
Letters of Mary L. Hood, Pearl Hobart, and Nettie Conine (1876-1878) --
Letter received by Mary Stuart (Robertson) Beard (1910) --
Undated letters / L.A. and L.B. (ca. 1930s) --
E-mail to Miriam Forman-Brunell / Martina Tepper (March 13, 2002) --
Diaries. Diary of Anna Green Winslow (1772) --
Diary / Elizabeth Ann Cooley McClure (1842-1844) --
Diary / Helen Stewart (1853) --
Diaries / Dorothy Allen Brown Thompson (1911-1914) --
Anonymous diary, high school girl (1943) --
Internet diary of bacon4u (2002).
Historical overview. The uses of literacy by girls in colonial America / E. Jennifer Monaghan --
"A few patchwork opinions" : piecing together narratives of U.S. girls' early national schooling / Janet Carey Eldred, Peter Mortensen --
Nineteenth-century girls and literacy / Jean Ferguson Carr --
Girls' literacy in the progressive era : female and American Indian identity at the Genoa Indian School / Amy Goodburn --
"That cosmopolitan feeling" : teenage girls and literacy, 1920-1970 / Kelly Schrum --
Expanding literacies at the end of the twentieth century : girls, writing, and science education / Lisa Weems, Paul Miller, Janet Russell, and Andrea A. Lunsford --
Primary documents. Instructional materials : [textbooks, conduct literature, periodicals, and book lists]. Hornbooks (ca. sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries) --
The New-England primer (1727) --
The teacher's assistant in English composition / John Walker (1801) --
The young lady's friend / Eliza W.R. Farrar (1836) --
First lessons in composition / G.P. Quackenbos (1851) --
The lady's guide to perfect gentility / Emily Thornwell (1856) --
McGuffey's fifth eclectic reader / William McGuffey (1879) --
"How to keep a journal" / W.S. Jerome, St. Nicholas (1878) --
"Keeping the cream of one's reading" / Margaret Meredith, St. Nicholas (1886) --
"Books for varying tastes" / Sophia L. Goldsmith, American girl (1932) --
"Books for the older girls" / Sallie W. Stewart (1933) --
"Dear diary" / Elizabeth Woodward, Ladies' Home Journal (1935) --
"How to be popular tho' teacher's pet" / Elizabeth Woodward, Ladies' Home Journal (1936) --
"Write a better book review this semester" / Helen G. First, Seventeen (1960) --
School assignments. "Imperfections of female education" / Albana C. Carson (1851) --
"Mystery" / Eugenia Stout (1853) --
"My will" / Ellen Riley (1856) --
"Cotton" / Mabel Davis (1915) --
"From field to kitchen" / Mamie Stewart (1915) --
"The circulation of the blood" ; "Surf bathing" / "Frances Royster Williams (1915) --
"All about me" ; "Dear Ellen" ; "What America Means to Me" / Mary R. (ca. 1960s) --
"Recommendation to a patient" / Laura Griffith (pseudonym) (1999-2000).