Biological markers of environmental contamination
Liver structural alterations accompanying chronic toxicity in fishes : potential biomarkers of exposure
Histopathology of Atlantic tomcod : a possible monitor of xenobiotics in northeast tidal rivers and estuaries
Croaker (Nibea mitsukurii) and the sea catfish (Plotosus anguillaris) : useful biomarkers of the coastal pollution
Sublethal responses of platichthys stellatus to organic contamination in San Francisco Bay with emphasis on reproduction
Hepatic enzymes as biomarkers : Interpreting the effects of environmental physiological and toxicological variables
Avian mixed function oxidase induction as a monitoring device : the influence of normal physiological functions
Use of barbiturate-induced sleeping time as an indicator of exposure to environmental contaminants in the wild.
Stress proteins : potential as multitiered biomarkers
Macrophage responses of estuarine fish as bioindicators of toxic contamination
Biological monitoring : testing for genotoxicity
DNA adducts in marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis living in polluted and unpolluted environments
c-K-Ras Oncogenes : Prevalence in livers of winter flounder from Boston Harbor
Metal-binding proteins and peptides for the detection of heavy metals in aquatic organisms
Metallothionein as a biomarker of environmental metal contamination
Metallothionein : a potential biomonitor of exposure to environmental toxins
Effects of cadmium on protein synthesis in gill tissue of the sea mussel, Mytilus edulis
Sentinel species and sentinel bioassay
Application of bioindicators in assessing the health of fish populations experiencing contaminants stress.
Comparative evaluation of selected measures of biological effects of exposures of marine organisms to toxic chemicals
Disease biomarkers in large whale populations of the North Atlantic and other oceans
Use of biomarkers in ecological risk assessment
Concluding remarks : implementation of a biomarker-based environmental monitoring program.