Fratello sole, sorella luna = Brother sun, sister moon / Donovan Leitch (3:43)
Pater noster = The Lord's prayer / Steven Baker (3:09)
Le lodi di Dio altissimo = A prayer by Saint Francis of Assisi / Paul Mealor (3:32)
Panis angelicus / César Franck (3:26)
Sancta Maria : from Cavalleria rusticana / Pietro Mascagni (5:21)
Tantum ergo sacramentum / Vincenzo Bellini (4:03)
Vergin tutto amor / Francesco Durante (3:11)
Ave Maria / Franz Schubert (4:26)
Kyrie from Misa criolla / Ariel Ramírez (3:49)
Cantique de Jean Racine / Gabriel Fauré (4:48)
Make me a channel of your peace / Sebastian Temple (4:31)
Ave verum corpus, K. 618 / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (3:54)
Canticle of the creatures / traditional (7:41)..