The burden of skepticism / Carl Sagan
The perennial fringe / Isaac Asimov
Reflections on the "transcendental temptation" / Paul Kurtz
The used of credulity / L. Sprague de Camp
The appeal of the occult / Phillips Stevens, Jr.
A field guide to critical thinking / James W. Lett
Assessing arguments and evidence / Ray Hyman
The brain and consciousness: implications for psi phenomena / Barry Beyerstein
The aliens among us: hypnotic regression revisited / Robert A. Baker
The varieties of alien experience / Bill Ellis
Past-life hypnotic regression: a critical view / Nicholas P. Spanos
Past-tongues remembered? / Sarah G. Thomason
The myth of alpha consciousness / Barry Beyerstein
Pathologies of science, precognition, and modern psychophysics / Donald D. Jensen
The elusive open mind: ten years of negative research in parapsychology / Susan J. Blackmore
Parapsychology, miracles, and repeatability / Antony Flew
Ganzfeld studies / Kendrick Frazier
Improving human performance: what about parapsychology? / Kendrick Frazier
Psi researchers' inattention to conjuring / Martin Gardner
The obligation to disclose fraud / Martin Gardner
The hundredth monkey phenomena / Ron Amundson
An investigation of firewalking / Bernard J. Leikind, William J. McCarthy
Incredible cremations: investigating spontaneous combustion deaths / Joe Nickell, John F. Fischer
Write and wrong: the validity of graphological analysis / Adrian Furnham
Graphology and personality: "let the buyer beware" / Robert Basil
A study of the Kirlian effect / Arleen J. Watkins, William S. Bickel
The moon was full and nothing happened / Ivan W. Kelly, James Rotton, Roger Culver
Testing psi claims in China / Paul Kurtz ... [et a.l]
The psychopathology of fringe medicine / Karl Sabbagh
Folk remedies and human belief-systems / Frank Reuter
Chiropractic: a skeptical view / William Jarvis
Homeopathy: is it medicine? / Stephen Barrett
Does astrology need to be true? Part 1: A look at the real thing ; Part 2: The answer is no / Geoffrey Dean
Double-blind test of astrology avoids bias, still refutes the astrological hypothesis
Crash of the crashed-saucer claim / Paul J. Klass
The MJ-12 crashed-saucer documents / Philip J. Klass
New evidence of MJ-12 hoax / Philip J. Klass
Cold fusion: a case study in "wishful science" / Milton A. Rothman
Water with memory? The dilution affair / Martin Gardner
Science, mysteries, and the quest of evidence / Martin Gardner
Relativism in science / Martin Gardner.