John Locke's conception of freedom / Raymond Polin --
Locke, liberalism and nationalism / M. Seliger --
Locke and English liberalism: the Second Treatise of Government in its contemporary setting / Esmond S. De Beer --
The politics of Locke in England and America in the eighteenth century / John Dunn --
The family and the origins of the state in Locke's political philosophy / Gordon J. Schochet --
The state of nature and the nature of man in Locke / Hans Aarsleff --
John Locke, the great recoinage, and the origins of the Board of Trade: 1695-1698 / Peter Laslett --
Locke, Newton and the two cultures / James L. Axtell --
The science of nature / John W. Yolton --
Faith and knowledge in Locke's philosophy / Richard Ashcraft --
What is a nominal essence the essence of? / W. von Leyden --
The essayist in his Essay / Rosalie Colie --
Some observations on recent Locke scholarship / Hans Aarsleff.