The classical concept of art. Art as craft ; A socioeconomic theory of art ; Appendix 1 : the social position of the artist ; Appendix 2 : functional theories of beauty
Naturalism. Greek and Renaissance naturalism ; Critical criteria of naturalism ; Appendix : the concept of Mimesis
Naturalism. Realism ; Anti-idealism ; Perfectionist idealism ; Normative idealism ; Metaphysical idealism ; Appendix : symmetry and proportion
The aesthetics of Chinese pictorial art. The six canons of painting ; Critical standards
Medieval and Renaissance aesthetics. The theological character of medieval aesthetics ; Didactic function and the moral criterion ; St. Thomas Aquinas ; Principles of Renaissance aesthetics
Eighteenth-century British aesthetics. The disinterested attitude ; Feeling as the source of aesthetic experience ; The standard of taste
Kant's critique of judgment
The Aesthetics of romanticism. Inspiration ; Genius ; Appendix : imagination
Theories of expression and communication. Art as self-expression ; Art as emotional communication ; Art as emotional embodiment
Aesthetics in the twentieth century. Analytical philosophy ; Art and emotion ; The autonomy of the artwork ; Sociological aesthetics ; Marxism ; Organic unity ; Aesthetic value ; Appendix 1 : appreciation as a self-rewarding activity ; Appendix 2 : art as play