pt. I. Becoming an entrepreneur. Is small business for you? ; Laying your personal financial foundation ; Finding your niche ; Crafting your plans ; Financing, ownership, and organizational decisions
pt. II. Buying an existing business. Exploring buying a business ; Finding the right business to buy ; Evaluating a business to buy ; Negotiating terms and sealing the deal
pt. III. Running a successful small business. Owners as jack-of-all trades ; Marketing : product, pricing, distribution, promotion, and sales ; Keeping your customers loyal ; Managing profitability and cash ; Learning from others' experiences
pt. IV. Keeping your business in business. Finding and keeping superstar employees ; Providing employee benefits ; Handling regulatory and legal issues ; Mastering small-business taxes ; Cultivating a growing business
pt. V. The part of tens. Ten tips for home-based businesses ; Ten smart ways to harness technology ; Ten tips for managing your growing business.