Puritans in taverns : law and popular culture in colonial Massachusetts, 1630-1720 / David W. Conroy
Social drinking in old regime Paris / Thomas Brennan
"Parliaments of the people" : the political culture of cafés in the early Third Republic / Susanna Barrows
The tavern and politics in the German labor movement, c. 1870-1914 / James S. Roberts
Decay from within : the inevitable doom of the American saloon / Madelon Powers
Student drinking in the Third Reich : academic tradition and the Nazi revolution / Geoffrey J. Giles
Against the flowing tide : whiskey and temperance in the making of modern Ireland / George Bretherton
Drunks, brewers, and chiefs : alcohol regulation in colonial Kenya, 1900-1939 / Charles H. Ambler
Capitalism, religion, and reform : the social history of temperance in Harvey, Illinois / Ray Hutchison.
Women and temperance in international perspective : the world's WCTU, 1880-1920s / Ian Tyrrell
Socialism, alcoholism, and the Russian working classes before 1917 / George E. Snow
Public health, public morals, and public order : social science and liquor control in Massachusetts, 1880-1916 / Thomas F. Babor and Barbara G. Rosenkrantz
Inebriate reformatories in Scotland : an institutional history / Patrick M. McLaughlin
Alcohol and the state in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945 / Hermann Fahrenkrug
From fasting to abstinence : the origins of the American temperance movement / Joel Bernard
The paradox of temperance : Blacks and the alcohol question in nineteenth-century America / Denise Herd
From symbolic exchange to commodity consumption : anthropological notes on drinking as a symbolic practice / Marianna Adler.
Benevolent repression : popular culture, social structure, and the control of drinking / Joseph Gusfield
Sources for the social history of alcohol / Jeffrey Verhey.