How to find heritage sites
First arrivals to 1603: a voyage ends, a story begins on Newfoundland's Northern tip
Port Royal, 1604-14 : the first frail settlement, a foothold in the wilderness
Closeup: men of the Grand Banks: cod and conflict in the Newe Founde Lande
Champlain and Quebec, 1608-35: a valiant man and a wise, and his beloved colony
Mission to the Hurons, 1615-49: in a haven of piety, a hunger for martyrdom
Ville-Marie, 1642-65: a grain of mustard seed: God's work in a hostile land
Hudson's Bay Company, 1668-1774: a century of conflict on the great 'Bay of the North'
The age of Frontenac. 1672-1701: a flamboyant governor wins lasting peace for New France
Closeup: Canadians and Louis XIV: Children of the 'Sun King'
Acadia, 1613-1713: the reborn Port Royal, Canada's most fought over place
The fall of Acadia, 1713-58: 'Impregnable' Louisbourg, citadel of shattered dreams
The fall of New Frace, 1713-63: decision at dawn on the Plains of Abraham
American invasion, 1775-76: French Canadians fight to keep Quebec British
Closeup: Privateersmen: pirates with royal blessing
The coming of the Loyalists, 1776-1812, an influx of English: the King's "Traitors'
The North West Company, 1779-1814: shrewd scottish 'pedlars' and tireless voyageurs
Toehold in the far west, 1778-93: Vancouver and Mackenzie, first to the Pacific Coast
The War of 1812: struggle along the border and a sense of being Canadian
Red River conflict, 1812-50: the Metis and the settlers and massacre at Seven Oaks
Closeup: gentle pioneers: Britons roughing it in the bush
The FAmily Compact, 1806-36: the arrogant aristocrats of Upper Canada
The Patriote Revolt, 1837-38: anger and bloodshed in Lower Canada
Mackenzie's Rebellion, 1837-38: anger and bloodshed in Lower Canada
Mackenzie's Rebellion, 1837-38: 'Reform!' and terror in Upper Canada
The dawn of self-rule, 1837-49: in anarchy and riot, the old order dies
Closeup: Men at arms: Garrison gaiety and "scarlet fever'
Search for the passage, 1818-52: discovery and disaster on the roof of the world
The emergence of British Columbia, 1821-58: Three forts, three men and a new crown colony
The Cariboo Gold Rush, 1858-66: nuggets as big as eggs, then a town named for Billy
Confederation, 1864-67: not going back, no standing still
Closeup: winter sports: making fun of ice and snow
The Bluenose fleet, 1850-83: great ships and captains' captains
The force, 1873-81: the mounties bring law to the whisky west
Riel and the Metis, 1870-85: they dying of a dream in a battle at Batoche
The Pacific Railway, 1871-86: an ordinary Iron Spike in the fog a Craigellachie
The National Policy, 1874-96: independence and a future of cities and industries
Closeup: lumbermen: from freeqe-up to Quebec
Clondike Gold Rush, 1896-1907: a city of gold at the end of the trail of '98
Settling the prairies, 1885-1914: the last best west: homes for millions
Laurier builds confidence, 1896-1914: the boyant, bountiful sunshine years
First World War, 1914-18: after Vimy Ridge 'nothing could stop us'
Epilogue: the Canadian way, something to cherish