Part I: State and nation. The polis
The polis and its historical development : Kingship ; Sparta ; Subservient people in other poleis ; Slavery ; The Greek aristocracy ; The tyranny ; Democracy and its development in Athens ; Democracy outside Athens ; The enduring quality of city populations
Objective consideration of the forms of the state
The unity of the Greek nation : Internecine warfare and the forces of national unification ; Greeks and barbarians ; Hellenic pathos.
Part II: The fine arts. The awakening of art
The genres of art : Sculpture ; Painting ; Architecture
Philosophers, politicians, and art.
Part III: Poesy and music. The primeval age
Poesy in hexameter : The Homeric epos ; Homer and the Greeks ; The Homeric hymns ; Cyclic poets, rhapsodes, and later epic poets ; Narrative poetry of Alexandria ; Bucolic poetry
the late epic ; Didactic poesy (Hesiod)
Poesy in other than hexameter measure : General remarks ; The elegy ; The epigram ; The iambus ; Comment on lyric, the aeolic lyric ; The choral lyric ; The tragedy ; The old comedy ; The middle comedy ; The new comedy ; Alexandrian comedy and farce.
VI: On philosophy, science, and oraatory Advantages and obstacles ; The break with the myths ; The art of oratory ; The free personality ; Scientific investigation ; History and ethnology.