Groping through gray zones / Claudia Card --
In defense of guilt / Sandra Lee Bartky --
On the malleability of character / Marcia L. Homiak --
Moral failure / Cheshire Calhoun --
Public address as a sign of political inclusion / Iris Marion Young --
(Re)reading Mary Daly as a sister insider / Amber L. Katherine --
Revolutionary community / Jacqueline Anderson --
Beyond pluralism and assimilationism in the politics of gender / Anna Stubblefield --
Philosophical reflections on war rape / Robin May Schott --
Uses of narrative in the aftermath of violence / Susan J. Brison --
Pornographic subordination : how pornography silences women / Lynne Tirrell --
Speech that harms : the case of lesbian families / Joan C. Callahan --
Feminist sex at century's end : on justice and joy / Chris J. Cuomo --
Liberalism and the ethics of care / Virginia Held --
Getting to the bottom of things / Sharon Bishop --
Ways to think about dying / Jean P. Rumsey.