Details of the plates: Ancient Egypt
Assyria & neighbouring peoples
Western Asia in antiquity
Persia in antiquity & the early Middle Ages
Scythians & inhabitants of Asia Minor
Footwear in ancient times
Gauls, Vikings & Norsemen
Middle Ages, monastic orders & orders of knights
Ecclesiastical costume & orders of knights 1400-1800
France in the Middle Ages
Armored knights (800-1300) crusaders (1100-1300)
England in the Middle Ages
Armoured knights : France & Germany
Italian monuments representing knights
Armoured knights : Germany & Burgundy
Late Middle Ages footwear
Italy : early Renaissance
German knights' apparel about 1500-1515
Italian early Renaissance
Northern Italy : early Renaissance
Italy : early Renaissance
Germany in the late Middle Ages
Germany at the time of the Reformation
England during the Reformation period
Germany at the Reformation period
Italy : early Renaissance
Germany during the Reformation period
Germany under the influence of Spanish fashion
France at the time of the Renaissance
Spanish fashion in France
Italy under the influence of Spanish fashion
France : late Spanish fashion
Poland, Hungary & Ukraine
Costume of German citizens
Military costume : Europe