How did a Baptist girl from Texas end up as a single mom?
The Roman Empire: settiing the stage
Listen for God's higher calling: Helena Augusta
The Middle Ages: settiing the stage
Choose God's greatness: Blanche of Castile
Turn tribulations into triumphs: Christine De Pizan
Colonial and Revolutionary America: settiing the stage
Define your own destiny: Rachel Lavein Fawcett
Dare to dream: Eliza Pinckney
Put God first: Isabella Graham
Go the extra mile: Elizabeth Timothy
Champion your children: Abigail Adams
Single mothers of slavery: settiing the stage
Don't give up before the miracle: Harriet Jacobson
Pioneer single mothers: settiing the stage
Heal with humor: Elinore Pruitt Stewart
Persevere with praise: Aunt Clara Brown
Soar on eagle's wings: Belva Lockwood
Conclusion: Virtual conversations.