From the Book - Updated, with a new introduction.
Foreword / by David Abney --
Introduction : Four eras in ten years --
Part 1. The nature of analytical competition : The nature of analytical competition: using analytics to build a distinctive capability --
What makes an analytical competitor?: defining the common key attributes of such companies --
Analytics and business performance: transforming the ability to compete on analytics into a lasting competitive advantage --
Competing on analytics with internal processes: financial, M&A, operations, R&D, and human resource applications --
Competing on analytics with external processes: customer and supplier applications --
Part 2. Building an analytical capability : A roadmap to enhanced analytical capabilities: progressing through the five stages of analytical maturity --
Managing analytical people: cultivating the scarce ingredient that makes analytics work --
The architecture of analytics and big data: aligning a robust technical environment with business strategies --
The future of analytical competition: approaches driven by technology, human factors, and business strategy.