God of our fathers / George William Warren
Bless this house / May Hannah Brahe
Rock of ages / Thomas Hastings
Alleluia, sing to Jesus / Rowland Hugh Prichard
Ave Maria / Franz Schubert
Fairest Lord Jesus / trad.
O God, our help in ages past / William Croft
Amazing grace / James P. Carrell
The old rugged cross / George Bennard
Prayer of Thanksgiving / trad.
In the garden / C. Austin Miles
Lead, kindly light / John B. Dykes
The holy city / Stephen Adams
A mighty fortress is our God / Martin Luther
The church's one foundation / Samuel S. Wesley
Onward, Christian soldiers / Arthur Sullivan
Blessed assurance / Phoebe P. Knapp
Come, come, ye saints / trad.
Pass me not, o gentle Savior / William Harold Doane
Crown Him with many crowns / George J. Elvey ; Godfrey Thring
Ave Maria / Johann Sebastian Bach ; Charles Gounod
Joyful, joyful we adore Thee / Ludwig van Beethoven
How great Thou art / Swedish folk medley
The Lord's prayer / Albert Hay Malotte.