From the Book - First edition.
The search for a career, by F.L. Broderick.
"Radicals and conservatives," a modern view, by A. Meier.
The paradox of W.E.B. Du Bois, by A. Meier.
The emerging leader, a contemporary view, by W.H. Ferris.
The NAACP and The crisis, by C.F. Kellogg.
An accommodationist in wartime, by E.M. Rudwick.
The continuing debate: Washington vs. Du Bois, by B. Mathews.
Pan-Africanism as "romantic racism," by H.R. Isaacs.
The historian, by H. Aptheker.
A Black messianic visionary, by V. Harding.
Bibliographical essay (p. 294-318).