From the Book - 14th ed., expanded.
1. Medical decision making
Is informed consent still central to medical ethics?
Should truth-telling depend on the patient's culture?
Does direct-to-consumer drug advertising enhance patient choice
Have advance directives failed?
Is "palliative sedation" ethically different from active euthanasia?
Should physicians be allowed to assist in patient suicide?
3. Choices in reproduction
Should a pregnant woman be punished for exposing her fetus to risk?
4. Children, adolescents, and bioethics
Should adolescents be allowed to make their own life-and-death decisions?
Is it ethical to use steroids and surgery to stunt disabled children's growth?
Should vaccination for HPV be mandated for teenage girls?
Is genetic enhancement an unacceptable use of technology?
Do the potential benefits of synthetic biology outweigh the possible risks?
Should new drugs be given to patients outside clinical trials?
- Does community consultation in research protect vulnerable groups?
7. Bioethics and public policy
Is it fair to require individuals to purchase health insurance?
Should there be a market in human organs?
Does military necessity override medical ethics?
Should performance-enhancing drugs be banned from sports?
Should pharmacists be allowed to deny prescriptions on grounds of conscience?
Will biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease be a good tool for life planning?
Is there an ethical duty to provide health care for all immigrants to the United States?