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Extremism in America: a reader
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From the Book
1. POPULISM: an American root of both left and right. The good roads bill ; The non-interest-bearing bond bill / Jacob Coxey
Collective ownership / Socialist Party
The Populist Party of the United states : platform, 1984 ; Here's where David Duke and the Populist Party stand on the issues / Populist Party
2. THE BEGINNINGS OF THE DEBATE IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. 1936 platform of the Union Party / Father Charles E. Coughlin
1946 : for these we work, fight, pray ; If I were president ; If the crusader quits, what happens? ; Is Christian civilization menaced? : a fearless answer ; This is nationalism / Gerald L.K. Smith
3. REWRITING THE FOUNDING FATHERS. If Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Hancock, and Mason were alive today here is how our Bill of Rights would look / Constitutional Revival
A declaration and demand for redress of grievances / Robert McCurry
4. COMMUNISM AND ANTI-COMMUNISM. The American way to jobs, peace, equal rights and democracy / Communist Party of America
Industrial democracy, complete democracy / Socialist Labor Party
Communique on the second congress of the MLP, USA / Marxist-Leninist Party
Political platform of the Patriotic Party ; Practical security measures ; Join the "Minutemen" / Minutemen
Beliefs and principles of the John Birch Society / John Birch Society
Declaration of principles / Congress of Conservatives
5. RACE. National Socialism ; National Socialist world view / George Lincoln Rockwell
American Nazi Party official stormtrooper's manual ; What's White Power all about? / American Nazi Party
Adolph Hitler was Elijah / Social Nationalist Aryan People's Party
American Program / American Program
What we believe ; Ideals of a klansman ; Knights of the Ku Klux Klan / United Klans of America, Inc.
A brief history of the fiery cross ; Special rights for black savages? / Other Klan groups
This is Aryan Nations / Church of Jesus Christ Christian
Twelve foundation stones to establish a state for our Aryan racial nation ; The Aryan warriors stand ; Aryan Nations theopolitical platform / Aryan Nations
Why what who where when / Christian Defense League
Principles for a new America / American Mobilizers
NAAWP / National Association for the Advancement of White People
Platform of the National States' Rights Party / National States' Rights Party
A program for survival ; The lesson of Desert Storm / William L. Pierce
Whiteman's platform / White American Resistance
African People's Party ten point program / African People's Party
What J.O.M.O. believes / Junta of Militant Organizations
6. SOCIAL CONCERNS. We support your rights / Eagle Forum
Child care : the great federal kidnap conspiracy ; Your family : the fight for America begins at home / John Birch Society
A positive program to save our schools / Liberty Lobby
New education : the radicals are after your children / John Birch Society
In the name of education / Committee for Positive Education
What's wrong with sex education / Phyllis Schlafly
Government is women's enemy / Association of Libertarian Feminists
What the Equal Rights Amendment means ; What's wrong with "equal rights" for women? / Phyllis Schlafly
A manifesto of men's liberation / Men's Rights Association
C.O.Y.O.T.E. : call off your old tired ethics / COYOTE
Draft statement of unity / Lavender Left
What is FSP? / Freedom Socialist Party
7. ECONOMIC QUESTIONS. The individualist's manifesto / Individualists for a Rational Society
Regulations : how the government strangles free enterprise / New Right Coalition
Declarations of alteration and reform / Committee of the States of Congress
Must you pay income tax? ; Portrait of an American traitor / Patriot Network
The constitutional way : every citizen a stockholder / Lord's Covenant Church
A constitutional money system / Committee to Repeal, Rescind and Revoke the Federal Reserve Act
Report of theft / Frontiers of Freedom
Welfare is theft! / New Right Coalition
NWRO demands for the Poor Peoples Campaign ; Welfare bill of rights / National Welfare Rights Organization
8. INTENTIONAL COMMUNITIES. Statement of purpose ; Who we are ; Women do have a part in the days ahead / The Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord
A church with a standard of truth ; The duties of Christian citizenship ; For the wise and prudent only / Church of Israel
9. RADICAL DECENTRALIZATION. Posse Comitatus : the power of the people ; It is the duty of government to prevent injustice, not to promote it ; Dear patriot ; Posse instructions / Posse Comitatus
Principles of the Left Green Network / Left Green Network
Port Huron statement / Students for a Democratic Society
10. TACTICS. If this be rebellion / American Militia Organization.
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Ideology -- United States
Idéologie -- États-Unis
Links (politiek)
Mouvements sociaux
Mouvements sociaux -- États-Unis
Radicalism -- United States
Radicalisme -- États-Unis
Rechts (politiek)
Right and left (Political science)
Right and left (Political science) -- United States
Social movements
Social movements -- United States
United States
Ideology -- United States
Idéologie -- États-Unis
Links (politiek)
Mouvements sociaux
Mouvements sociaux -- États-Unis
Radicalism -- United States
Radicalisme -- États-Unis
Rechts (politiek)
Right and left (Political science)
Right and left (Political science) -- United States
Social movements
Social movements -- United States
United States
More Details
Sargent, Lyman Tower,1940- editor
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