Foreword / Robert McAfee Brown
Preface / Louis F. McNeil
Introduction / Mary Ann Hinsdale and Helen M. Lewis
pt. I. The Community Development Process: A Case Study / Helen M. Lewis. 1. Historical Background. 2. Organizing and Mobilizing the Community. 3. Confronting and Using Power. 4. Getting Educated. 5. Using Culture in Community Development. 6. Leadership and Organizational Development. 7. Insiders, Outsiders, and Participatory Research
pt. II. Local Theology in a Rural Mountain Community / Mary Ann Hinsdale. 8. Reading and Using the Bible. 9. Theology from the People. 10. Ritual and Ethics. 11. Emerging Women's Voices: "Unlearning to Not Speak" 12. Ministry: Within and Without. 13. The Churches and Community Development
pt. III. Epilogue / Mary Ann Hinsdale, Helen M. Lewis and S. Maxine Waller
App. A. Context and Methodology / Mary Ann Hinsdale and Helen M. Lewis
App. B. Scenes and Songs from It Came from Within / Ivanhoe Civic League.