2. Interests : a history of tax conflicts
Contracts and commitments
The Stamp Act : taxation without representation
The Constitution of the United States of America
The whiskey and other tax rebellions in the early United States
3. Ideas : theories of stabilization policy
The transmission of ideas
The possibility of macroeconomic policy
4. Practice : the stability of federal government deficits
Popular explanations of the persistent deficits
An alternative explanation : military spending with tax smoothing
Was Keynesianism ever practiced?
5. The interests and institutions of monetary policy
The Bank of England, 1694-1914
The banks of the United States
Foundations of the Federal Reserve
6. Knowledge, advice, and monetary policy
Sources and limits of knowledge
Ideas, experience, and action
An economist's lament : 'what trade-offs?'
Economists, bureaucracies, and policymakers
Policymakers and the public
7. The stability of monetary policy : the Federal Reserve, 1914-2007
The Fed's variable reputation
8. It's interests after all