The just man oppressed by injustice: the book of Job, Bible
A man of no account: Homer, new coasts and Poseidon's son, The Odyssey
Why are animals beautiful?: Charles Darwin, The Origin of species
To see atoms: Sir William Bragg, Concerning the nature of things
The pact with the mammoths: Joseph-Henri Rosny aîné, La Querre du feu
The hobbies: Giuseppe Parini, The Day
A deadly nip: Carlo Porta, Olter desgrazzi de Giovannin Bongee
Dystopia: Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's travels
A testing time: Joseph Conrad, Youth
The words of the father: Ludwig Gattermann, Laboratory methods of organic chemistry
Better to write of laughter than tears: François Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel
A different way of saying "I": Thomas Mann, The Tales of Jacob
The romance of technology: Roger Vercel, Tug-boat
The dark well of the human spirit: Herman Melville, Moby Dick
Survivors in the Sahara: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, sand and stars
The curious merchant: Marco Polo, The Travels
The poet-researcher: Lucretius, On the nature of the universe
The Jew on horseback: Isaac Babel, Collected stories
An irrepressible quibbler: Sholem Aleichem, Tevye the Dairyman and the Railroad stories
Pity hidden beneath laughter: Giuseppe Belli, The Sonnets
Why we are not happy: Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of happiness
We are the aliens: Fredic Brown, Sentry
The measure of all things: ASTM D 1382-55 T, American Society for Testing Materials
Urchin death: Stefano D'Arrigo, Horcynus Orca
TV according to Leonardo: Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of the future: An enquiry into the limits of the possible
Before and after the crime: T.S. Eliot, Murder in the cathedral
Death fugue: Paul Celan, Poems of Paul Celan
Tönle the winterer: Mario Rigoni Stern, Storia di tönle
Trying to understand: Hermann Langbein, Menschen in Auschwitz
We are alone: Kip S. Thorne, The Search for black holes.