British Poems. Abolition Poetry; A Literary Introduction
English and North American Slavery: Key Notes on Cultural and Historical Difference
The Sugar Cane: A Poem. In Four Books, Book IV / James Grainger
The Voyage of the Sable Venus from Angola to the West Indies / Isaac Teale
The Dying Negro: A Poetical Epistle / Thomas Day and John Bicknell
"The Linnet's Petition', in Poems / Mary Robison
'The Negro Girl', in Poetical Works of the Late Mary Robinson / Mary Robinson
from Mount Pleasant / William Roscoe
from The Wrongs of Africa / William Roscoe
'Stanzas, Occasioned by the Death of Alico, an African Slave, Condemned for Rebellion, in Jamaica, 1760' / Bryan Edwards
'Ode on Seeing a Negro Funeral' / Bryan Edwards
'Inscription at the Entrance of a Burial Ground for Negro Slaves' / Bryan Edwards
Heccar and Gaira: An African Eclogue / Thomas Chatterton
'Amazing Grace' / John Newton
'Alas! by Nature how Deprav'd', in Olney Hymns / John Newton
from The Journal of a Slave Trader / John Newton
from Thoughts upon the African Slave Trade / John Newton
from Charity / William Cowper
from The Task, Book II, 'The Time Piece' / William Cowper
'The Morning Dream' / William Cowper
'The Negro's Complaint' / William Cowper
'Epigram (Printed in the Northampton Mercury)' / William Cowper
'Sweet Meat Hath Sour Sauce' / William Cowper
'The Morning Dream' / William Cowper
'The Negro's Complaint' / William Cowper
'Epigram' / William Cowper
from 'The Slave: An American Eclogue' / Hugh Mulligan
from 'The Lovers: An African Eclogue', in Poems Chiefly on Slavery and Oppression / Hugh Mulligan
The Black Slave Trade: A Poem / Hannah More
The Sorrows of Yamba; or, The Negro Woman's Lamentation / Hannah More
The Feast of Freedom; or, The Abolition of Domestic Slavery in Ceylon / Hannah More
A Poem on the Inhumanity of the Slave-Trade Humbly Inscribed to the Right Honourable and Right Reverend Frederic Earl of Bristol Bishop of Derry / Ann Yearsley
The African Boy / Edward Jerningham
from Humanity; or, The Rights of Nature: A Poem / Samuel Jackson Pratt
'The Little Black Boy' in Songs of Innocence and of Experience / William Blake
from America / William Blake
from Vala; or, The Four Zoas, Book IX / William Blake
'Miscellaneous Verses', from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiana, or Gustavas Vassa, the African / Olaudah Equiano
from The Negro Convert: A Poem / Samuel Whitchurch
from Hispaniola / Samuel Whitchurch
Epistle to William Wilberforce, Esq. On the Rejection of the Bill for Abolishing the Slave Trade / Anna Laetitia Barbauld
No Abolition of Slavery; or, The Universal Empire of Love: A Poem / James Boswell
Slavery: An Essay in Verse ... Humbly Inscribed to Planters, Merchants, and Others Concerned in the Management or Sale of Negro Slaves / Captain John Marjoribanks
'Greek Prize Ode on the Slave Trade' / Samuel Taylor Coleridge
four stanzas from the 'Ode on the Slave Trade' from Joan of Arc / Samuel Taylor Coleridge
'Ode: The Insurrection of the Slaves at St. Domingo' / Anonymous
'The African's Complaint on Board a Slave Ship' / Anonymous
Azid; or, The Song of the Captive Negro / John Wolcot ['Peter Pindar']
'Poems on the Slave Trade', in Poems 1797 / Robert Southey
'The Sailor Who Served in the Slave Trade', in Poems 1799 / Robert Southey
'Verses Spoken in the Theatre at Oxford, upon the Installation of Lord Grenville', in Collected Poems of Robert Southey / Robert Southey
'I do Remember a Poor Negro' / Revd Ford
'Overseer's Song' / W.H. Murrey
'Possum up a Gum Tree' / W.H. Murrey
'Magic Fire Duly Placed', in Obi; or, Three-Fingered Jack / W.H. Murrey
'To Toussaint L'Ouverture' / William Wordsworth
'September 1, 1802' / William Wordsworth
from The Prelude, Book X (1805) / William Wordsworth
from The Prelude, Book X (1850) / William Wordsworth
'To Thomas Clarkson' / William Wordsworth
'Queen and Negress Chaste and Fair!' / William Wordsworth
from 'To the Lord Viscount Forbes from the City of Washington', in Poems Relating to America / Thomas Moore
'The Negro's Prayer' / John Thelwall
The Guinea Voyage in Three Books / James Field Stanfield
'The Slave', in The Slave and Other Poetical Pieces / Richard Mant
'The Lucayan's Song' / Mrs. Amelia Opie
'The Negro Boy's Tale' in Poems by Mrs. Opie / Mrs. Amelia Opie
The Black Man's Lament; or, How to Make Sugar / Mrs. Amelia Opie
'Conquest of Prejudice' / Mary Lamb
from The West Indies; A Poem in Four Parts / James Montgomery
'Inscription under the Picture of an Aged Negro Woman' / James Montgomery
'Abolition of Colonial Slavery' / James Montgomery
'The Negro is Free' / James Montgomery
'Similes for Two Political Characters of 1819' / Percy Bysshe Shelley
from A Vision of the Sea / Percy Bysshe Shelley
from Prometheus Unbound, Act I / Percy Bysshe Shelley
'The Desponding Negro' / Robert Wedderburn
'The Negro Boy Sold for a Watch', in The Axe Laid to the Root no. 2 / Robert Wedderburn
Anacoana / Alfred, Lord Tennyson
'The Forester of the Neutral Ground', in The Bow in the Cloud / Thomas Pringle
'The Last Night of Slavery' / Josiah Conder
'The Slaves' Address to British Females'
'The Land of Freedom' / Dr. Arbington
'The Black and the White Slave'
'The Runaway Slave, ' in Sordello / Robert Browning
'Slave Market, ' from Cleon / Robert Browning
'Caliban upon Setebos; or Natural Theology in the Island, ' in Dramatis Personae / Robert Browning
from 'Poem on Seeing Biard's Picture of a Slave Mart' / S. Sanford
The Political Life of Cornelius Cuffrey Esq. Patriot / Anonymous
The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
'Hiram Power's Greek Slave' / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
from Aurora Leigh / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
'A Curse for a Nation' / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
'King Cotton Bound; or, The Modern Prometheus' / Anonymous
'I Thank the Goodness and the Grace'
'Eliza Crossing the River' / Anonymous
'Eva Putting A Wreath of Flowers Round Tom's Neck' / Anonymous
'Topsy at the Looking Glass, ' in Pictures and Stories from Uncle Tom's Cabin / Anonymous
'Uncle Tom's Lament for the Old Folks at Home' / Anonymous
'The Slave Auction', in Uncle Tom's Cabin Songster / Anonymous
'Lines on Uncle Tom's Cabin, ' in The Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti / Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
American Poems. 'Go Down, Moses'
'There's a Better Day a Coming'
'Swing Low, Sweet Chariot'
'Mary, Don't You Weep, ' in Slave Songs of the United States / edited by William Francis Allen, Charles Packard Ware, and Lucy McKim Garrison
'To the University of Cambridge in New England' / Phillis Wheatley
'On Being Brought from Africa to America' / Phillis Wheatley
'To the Right Honourable William, Earl of Dartmouth, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for North America &c.' / Phillis Wheatley
'To S.M. a Young African Painter, on Seeing his Works, ' in Poems on Various Subjects Religious and Moral / Phillis Wheatley
An Address to Miss Phillis Wheatly [sic], Ethiopian Poetess in Boston, who Came from Africa at Eight Years of Age / Jupiter Hammon
'To Sir Toby' [alternative title The Island Free Negro in some versions] / Phillip Frenau
from Greenfield Hill / Timothy Dwight
from Avenia; or, A Tragical Poem on the Oppression of the Human Species, and Infringement on the Rights of Man. In six books, with notes explanatory and miscellaneous, written in imitation of Homer's Iliad, Book V / Thomas Branagan
from The Vision of Columbus / Joel Barlow
from The Columbiad, Book VIII / Joel Barlow
'Anthem, ' in An Oration Commemorative of the Abolition of the Slave Trade' / Robert Y. Sydney
'Hymn, ' in An Address to the New York Academy / Peter Williams
'The African Chief' / Sarah Wentworth Morton
'The African Chief' / William Cullen Bryant
'The Slave's Complaint' / George Moses Horton
'On Liberty and Slavery, ' in The Hope of Liberty / George Moses Horton
'Division of an Estate' / George Moses Horton
'Troubled with the Itch, and Rubbing with Sulphur, ' in The Poetical Works of Thomas M. Horton the Colored Bard of North Carolina / George Moses Horton
'Hymn 12: Of the Christian's Barbarity, ' in The Rock of Wisdom / Noah Calwell Cannon
'Lines Written on Reading Stuart's Account of the Treatment of Slaves in Charleston' / Jones Very
'The Plagues of Egypt' / Jones Very
'The Abolition of Serfdom in Russia' / Jones Very
'The Slave Trader' / Lydia Maria Child
'The Runaway, ' in The Oasis / Lydia Maria Child
'The Hedgehog' / Mary Howitt
'The Devil's Walk in Washington' / Mary Howitt
'Christian Hymn of Triumph' / Henry Hart Milman
from Slavery Rhymes Addressed to the Friends of Liberty throughout the United States / A Looker On (pseud.)
'The Hunters of Men' / John Greenleaf Whittier
'The Slave Ships' / John Greenleaf Whittier
'Toussaint L'Ouverture, ' in Poems Written During the Progress of the Abolition Question / John Greenleaf Whittier
'The Branded Hand' / John Greenleaf Whittier
'Ichabod, ' in Complete Poetical Works / John Greenleaf Whittier
Slavery Vindicated; or, The Beauty and Glory of the 'Patriarchal System' Illustrated: A Poetical Oration / Southern Nabob (pseud.), reported by Philo Fidelitas (pseud.)
'Children in Slavery' / Eliza Lee Follen
'For the Fourth of July' in Poems / Eliza Lee Follen
'The Slave Boy's Wish, ' in The Liberty Minstrel / Eliza Lee Follen
'Farewell Address to Joseph Cinque' / Joseph L. Chester
'The Slave in the Dismal Swamp' / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
'The Warning' / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
'The Witness, ' in Poems on Slavery / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
from The Virginia Philosopher; or, A Few Lucky Slave Catchers: A Poem by Mr. Latimer's Brother / Daniel Mann
'Song of the Abolitionist' / William Lloyd Garrison
'The Kneeling Slave' / William Lloyd Garrison
'To Isaac T. Hopper, ' in Sonnets and Other Poems / William Lloyd Garrison
'The Triumph of Freedom' / William Lloyd Garrison
'The Fugitive Slave's Apostrophe to the North Star' / John Pierpont
'Slave Holder's Address to the North Star' / John Pierpont
'The Chain, ' in The Anti-Slavery Poems of John Pierpont / John Pierpont
'A Parody, ' printed as an appendix to Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave / Frederick Douglass
The Fugitive's Song / Jessee Huchinson Junior
Ode Inscribed to W.H. Channing / Ralph Waldo Emerson
'The Present Crisis' / James Russell Lowell
'No. V: The Debate in the Sennit' / Ralph Waldo Emerson
'No. IX: A Third Letter from B. Sawin, Esq., ' in The Biglow Papers / Ralph Waldo Emerson
'Jefferson's Daughter, ' in The Anti-Slavery Harp / William Wells Brown
'Oh Master' / William Wells Brown
'See These Poor Souls from Africa, ' in Narrative of William W. Brown Fugitive Slave / William Wells Brown
'To William Wells Brown, the American Fugitive Slave, by E.S. Mathews, ' in The American Fugitive in Europe / William Wells Brown
'The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850' / James Cruikshanks
'Lex Fugitiva, ' in A Bouquet of Flowers from the Garden of Paradise / James Cruikshanks
'Psalm 40' / Henry "Box" Brown
'Song in Commemoration of my Fate in the Box' / Henry "Box" Brown
'Air' / Henry "Box" Brown
"Uncle Ned," in Narrative of the Life of Henry Box Brown, Written by Himself / Henry "Box" Brown
'America' / James Monroe Whitfield
'To Cinque, ' in America and Other Poems / James Monroe Whitfield
'Freedom's Champions' / Joseph Cephas Holly
'Injustice, not Law, ' in Freedom's Offering: A Collection of Poems / Joseph Cephas Holly
from Nebraska / S.R. Philips
'The Slave Mother' / Ellen Watkins Harper
'Eliza Harris, ' in Poems on Miscellaneous Subjects / Ellen Watkin Harper
'Bury Me in a Free Land' / Ellen Watkins Harper
from Vincent Oge / George Boyer Vashon
'Fallen among Thieves' / Bella Marsh
'The Slave's Offering, ' in Lays of Liberty / Bella Marsh
A Poem on the Fugitive Slave Law / Elymas Payson Rogers
from An Epistolary Lament Supposed to have been Written by a Surviving Hunker / Moses Austin Cartland
from Leaves of Grass / Walt Whitman
'A Black Man's Answer, ' in Poems by Richard Realf / Richard Realf
'How Long, Oh Lord, How Long, ' in Richard Realf's Free State Poems / Richard Realf
'Canto IV The Contest, ' in Sumner: A Poem / A.G. Meacham
from The Night of Freedom / William Hebbard
from The Martyr Crisis / Anonymous
from The Ballad of the Abolition Blunderbuss / Anonymous
'The Lamp Burns Sure, Within' / Emily Dickinson
'The Soul has Bandaged Moments' / Emily Dickinson
'John Brown's Body' / Anonymous
'Battle Hymn of the Republic' / Julia Ward Howe
from Southern Chivalry / Citizen of Cotton Country (pseud.)
'The Swamp Angel, ' in Battle Pieces and Aspects of War / Herman Melville
'The Scourge' / David Claypoole Johnston
'The Slave Driver' / David Claypoole Johnston
'The Shackles, ' in The House that Jeff Built / David Claypoole Johnston
from The Gospel of Slavery: A Primer of Freedom / Abel Thomas
'Mr. Prejudice' / Anonymous
'Difference of Colour' / Anonymous
'The Tree of Slavery, ' in Slave's Friend / Anonymous
'Minnie May' / Kate Barclay
'Sambo's Toast, ' in Minnie May with Other Rhymes and Stories / Kate Barclay
'Black Sam, ' in Christy's Panorama
'Long Time Ago, ' in The Negro Forget Me Not'
'South Carolina Gentleman, ' in John Brown's Songster.