pt. 1. The international marketing environment
1. Why go international? : it's no longer if, but when and how
The tangible benefits of going global
Global marketing motivations
Growing global marketing programs
Critical choices : the opportunities and challenges ahead
2. Trade's economic environment : assessing market potential starts with economic factors
Using foreign market data
Marketing to emerging trading blocs
3. Trade's financial mechanisms : managing global marketing's financial environments and risks
Managing international financial risks
4. Marketing within cultural contexts : understand your market's local concerns, special quirks, and homegrown idiosyncrasies
Building cultural knowledge
5. Trade, politics, and law : on the international front, success is often a matter of balanced interests
Trade and the United States
Trade, investment, and politics
pt. 2. International marketing strategies
6. Exporting and international market entry : there are many ways to take an offering to the world
Growing through exporting stages
Getting help from export intermediaries
Licensing and franchising
7. Multinational and global marketing : how to deploy company operations worldwide
Putting global strategy to work
Investing directly abroad
International marketing by contract
8. Taking services global : how to deliver a good service internationally in an acceptable way
Services' global trade problems
Marketing services globally
pt. 3. Managing global marketing
9. International market research : where to go when you need to know
Secondary research abroad
Creating an international information system
10. Global product and brand management : products and brands must "speak" your customers' "language"
Balanced global product development
Managing global portfolios
Adapting existing products
11. Pricing in global markets : the international price that's right is a complex question
Setting export prices and terms
Pricing by foreign operations
Pricing intracompany transactions
12. Global distribution and logistics : getting goods to market calls for international teamwork
International distribution channels
Managing channel relationships
E-business and world trade
13. International negotiation and communication : how and where you promote says more than meets the eye ... or ear
International negotiating
Personal selling to export markets
Managing communications globally
14. Organizing for global marketing : balancing your international enterprise
Stages of global operations
Developing and implementing the global plan
Control that fits the mission
15. Twenty-first century trade globalists : international marketers are the vanguard of the American empire of ideals