v. 1. Old ballads, from early printed copies of the utmost rarity / ed. by J.P. Collier. A collection of songs and ballads relative to the London prentices and trades; and to the affairs of London generally / ed. by C. Mackay ; The historical songs of Ireland: illustrative of the revolutionary struggle between James II and William III / ed. by T.C. Croker. The pain and sorrow of evil marriage ; The king and a poor northern man; or, Too good to be true / by Martin Parker
v. 2. A selection from the minor poems of Dan John Lydgate ; The early naval ballads of England / collected and ed. by J.O. Halliwell ; A search for money; or, The lamentable complaint for the loss of the wandering knight, Monsieuer l'Argent / by William Rowley ; The mad pranks and merry jests of Robin Goodfellow
v. 3. Political ballads published in England during the commonwealth / ed. by T. Wright ; Strange histories: consisting of ballads and other poems principally / by Thomas Deloney. A marriage triumph, on the nuptials of the Prince Palatine, and the Princess Elizabeth, daughter of James I / by Thomas Heywood ; The history of patient Grisel
v. 4. Specimens of lyric poetry, composed in England in the reign of Edward the First / ed. by T. Wright ; The boke of curtasye / ed. by J.O. Halliwell ; Specimens of old Christmas carols / [ed. by T. Wright] ; The nursery rhymes of England, collected principally from oral tradition / ed. by J.O. Halliwell
v. 5. Kind heart's dream / by Henry Chettle ; A knight's conjuring / by Thomas Dekker ; The meeting of gallants at an ordinarie / ed. by J.O. Halliwell ; The two angry women of Abington / by Henry Porter
v. 6. Ancient poetical tracts of the sixteenth century / ed. by E.F. Rimbault ; Cock Lorell's bote / ed. by E.F. Rimbault ; The crown garland of roses / by Richard Johnson ; pt. 1. Follie's anatomie / by Henry Hutton ; Poems / by Sir Henry Wotton.
v. 7. The harmony of birds / edited by J. Payne Collier. A paraphrase on the seven penitential psalms, in English verse / edited by W.H. Black. The harmony of the church / by Michael Drayton ; edited by the Rev. Alexander Dyck. Jack of Dover / edited by T. Wright. A Kerry pastoral / edited by T. Crofton Croker
v. 8. A selection of Latin stories / edited by T. Wright. A dialogue concerning witches & witchcrafts / by George Gifford
v. 9. The four knaves / by Samuel Rowlands. A poem to the memory of William Congreve / by James Thomson. The pleasant conceits of old Hobson, the merry Londener / edited by J.O. Halliwell. Maroccus extaticus, or, Bankes' bay horse in a trance, 1597 / edited by Edward F. Rimbault. Old ballads illustrating the great frost of 1683-4 / edited by Edward F. Rimbault
v. 10. Lord mayors' pageants / edited by F.W. Fairholt
v. 11. The owl and the nightingale / edited by Thomas Wright. Thirteen psalms and the first chapter of Ecclesiastes / versified by John Croke ; edited by the Rev. P. Bliss. An historiall expostulation, etc. / by John Hall ; edited by T.J. Pettigrew. The honestie of this age / by Barnaby Rich ; edited by Peter Cunningham
v. 12. Reynard the Fox, from Caxton's edition / edited by W.J. Thomson
v. 13. The keen of the south of Ireland / collected by T. Crofton Croker. Six ballads, with burdens / edited by James Goodwin. Lyrical poems, selected from musical publications between 1589 and 1600 / edited by J. Payne Collier
v. 14. The poems of John Audelay / edited by J.O. Halliwell. St. Brandan, a legend of the sea / edited by Thomas Wright. The romance of the Emperor Octavian / edited by J.O. Halliwell.
v. 15. Friar Bakon's prophesie / [by William Terilo, pseud.] ; Poetical miscellanies from a manuscript collection of the time of James I / ed. by J.O. Halliwell ; The crown garland of golden roses / by Richard Johnson ; pt. 2
v. 16. The seven sages ; The romance of Syr Tryamoure
v. 17. Scottish traditional versions of ancient ballads / ed. by J.H. Dixon ; Ancient poems, ballads, and songs of the peasantry of England / collected and ed. by J.H. Dixon
v. 18. The pastime of pleasure / by Stephen Hawes
v. 19. The civic garland / ed. by F.W. Fairholt ; The life and martyrdom of Thomas Beket ... from the series of lives and legends now proved to have been composed by Robert of Gloucester
v. 20. The affectionate shepherd / by Richard Barnfield ; A dialogue on wit and folly / by John Heywood ; A collection of proverbs and popular sayings relating to the seasons, the weather, and agricultural pursuits / by M.A. Denham ; The most pleasant song of Lady Besy / [by Humphrey Brereton]
v. 21. Popular songs, illustrative of the French invasions of Ireland / ed. by T.C. Croker
v. 22. The cytezen and uplondyshman / by Alexander Barclay ; The interlude of the four elements ; The interlude of the disobedient child / by Thomas Ingelend ; Autobiography of Mary countess of Warwick ; Westward for smelts
v. 23. Songs and carols ... of the fifteenth century / ed. by T. Wright ; Festive songs, principally of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ; with an introduction / by W. Sandys ; Descriptive notices of popular English histories / by J.O. Halliwell.
v. 24-26. The Canterbury tales of Geoffrey Chaucer
v. 27. Believe as you list / by Philip Massinger ; Satirical songs and poems on costume: from the 13th to the 19th century / edited by F.W. Fairholt
v. 28. An Anglo-Saxon passion of St. George / [by Aelfric] ; A poem on the times of Edward II ; The religious poems of William de Shoreham ; The interlude of the trail of treasure
v. 29. Notices of fugitive tracts, and chap-books / by J.O. Halliwell ; The man in the moone ; A manifest detection of the most vyle and detestable use of dice play / [by Gilbert Walker] ; The loyal garland: a collection of songs of the seventeenth century ; Poems and songs relating to George Villier, duke of Buckingham; and his assassination / by John Felton, August 23, 1628 / ed. by F.W. Fairholt
v. 30. The garland of good-will / by Thomas Deloney ; Brittannia's pastorals: a third book / [by William Browne] ; The enterlude of John Bon & Mast Person / [by Luke Shepherd].