v. 1. From Freud to Kohut
v. 2. From Genesis to apocalyptic vision
v. 3. From Gospel to Gnostics
v. 4. From Christ to Jesus.
Contents of v. 1: Introduction / J. Harold Ellens and Wayne G. Rollins
Reading the Bible in three dimensions : psychological biblical interpretation / D. Andrew Kille
Sexuality in the Hebrew Bible : Freud's lens / Ilona Rashkow
Jung, analytical psychology, and the Bible / Wayne G. Rollins
Theissen's integration of psychology and New Testament studies : learning theory, psychodynamics, and cognitive psychology / Dieter Mitternacht
Developmental psychology in biblical studies / Lyn M. Bechtel
Winnicott's squiggle game and biblical interpretation / Ralph L. Underwood
Gospel narrative and psychoanalytic criticism : Peter Brooks, Norman Holland, and Jacques Lacan / Petri Merenlahti
Post-traumatic stress disorder and vicarious atonement in the Second Isaiah / William Morrow
Family systems psychology as hermeneutic / Kamila Blessing
A romantic psychologist reads the Bible : Eugen Drewermann / Bernhard Lang
The psychosymbolic approach to biblical interpretation / Robert H. Neuwoehner
Jewish and Christian messianism : the psychoanalytic approach of Heinz Kohut / Ithamar Gruenwald
The Bible and psychology : an interdisciplinary pilgrimage / J. Harold Ellens.
Contents of v. 2: Introduction / J. Harold Ellens and Wayne G. Robbins
Wrestling with God : psychological insights in Bible study / Walter Wink
The psychodynamics of the fall story : Genesis 2:25-3:24 / J. Harold Ellens
What is wrong with this picture? : daughters and fathers in Genesis / Ilona Rashkow
Jacob : a study in individuation / D. Andrew Kille
A psychological approach to the book of Jonah / André LaCocque
Lady Wisdom : a polytheistic and psychological interpretation of a biblical goddess / Bernhard Lang
Psychotherapeutic change in the book of Job / Dan Merkur
Reading the prophecies of Jeremiah through a psychoanalytic lens / Dan Merkur
Psychoanalyzing Ezekiel / John J. Schmitt
An adequate psychological approach to the book of Ezekiel / David Jobling
Traumatizing Ezekiel, the exilic prophet / David G. Garber Jr.
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" : God's name, Lacan, and the ultimate phallus / Ilona Rashkow
The day of the Lord from a Jungian perspective : Amos 5:18-20 / D. Andrew Kille
Role and selfhood in Hebrew prophecy / Martin J. Buss
"Because of my grief I have spoken" : the psychology of loss in 4 Ezra / Dereck Daschke
The visionary practices of Jewish apocalyptists / Dan Merkur.
Contents of v. 3: Introduction / J. Harold Ellens and Wayne G. Robbins
Snagged by the seat of my pants while reading the Bible / Walter Wink
Object relations theory and Mark 15:33-29 : interpreting ourselves interpreting the Bible / Ralph L. Underwood
The parable and the centered self : Erickson's confusion technique as hermeneutic for the stories of Jesus / Kamila Blessing
Coping with the death of Jesus : the Gospels and the theory of grief work / Kari Syreeni
Reading Mark for the pleasure of fantasy / Petri Merenlahti
The psychology of Johannine symbolism / Michael Willett Newheart
The cognitive origins of John's unitive and disunitive Christology / Paul N. Anderson
A psychodynamic approach to 2 Corinthians 10-13 / Anthony Bash
Differentiation in the family of faith : the prodigal son and Galatians 1-2 / Kamila Blessing
Paul's letter to the Galatians in social-psychological perspective / Dieter Mitternacht
Revelation 17 : the apocalypse as psychic drama / Charles T. Davis III
Psychological aspects of biblical apocalypticism / J. Harold Ellens
The Bible and the psychology of shame / Jill L. McNish
Biblical imagery and psychological likeness / David L. Miller
Psyche, soul, and self in historical and contemporary perspective / Wayne G. Rollins
"Begotten, not created" : the Gnostic use of language in Jungian perspective / Schuyler Brown.
Contents of v. 4: Introduction / J. Harold Ellens and Wayne G. Robbins
From Christ to Jesus : the Jesus quest / J. Harold Ellens
Psychobiography : a new and challenging methodology in Jesus research / James H. Charlesworth
A psychobiography of Jesus / Donald Capps
Jesus : a psychological and historical portrait / John W. Miller
Beyond Schweitzer and the psychiatrists : Jesus as fictive personality / Donald Capps
Jay Haley's psychological portrait of Jesus : a power tactician / Donald Capps
Erik Erikson's psychological portrait of Jesus : Jesus as numinous presence / Donald Capps
The original impulse of Jesus / Walter Wink
Social identity, status envy, and Jesus as fatherless child / Andries G. van Aarde
A way forward in the scientific investigation of Gospel traditions : cognitive-critical analysis / Paul N. Anderson, J. Harold Ellens, and James W. Fowler
The myth of history and the evolution of consciousness : a Jesus scholar in psychological perspective / Hal Childs
Jesus and transformation / Paul N. Anderson
The Bible and the alchemy of language in psychological perspective / Schuyler Brown.