ch. 1. What outsourcing means for America
Outsourcing can't be ignored
What actually happens with outsourcing
The outsourcing debate is misleading
Is outsourcing inevitable?
The potential impacts are far-reaching
Why outsourcing is fool's gold for companies
What the U.S. can do about outsourcing
ch. 2. Outsourcing in a larger context
Free trade is not really "free"
The effects can vary greatly
Understanding historical developments
Trading jobs for competitive advantage
How other nations handled trade competition
ch. 3. The public debate on outsourcing is misleading
What experts say about outsourcing
Open proponents of outsourcing
Proponents' reaction to critics
ch. 4. Outsourcing of high-wage jobs
How much outsourcing is happening?
How outsourcing snowballs
A lack of government monitoring
The upward trends in offshore outsourcing
Offshore outsourcing in other developed countries
Where the jobs are heading
ch. 5. Why companies are moving jobs overseas
Reason #1 : cost and salary differences
Reason #2 : domestic outsourcing as a strategy
Reason #3 : better or unique talent overseas
Reason #4 : no penalty for destroying U.S. jobs
Reason #5 : U.S. tax incentives
Reason #6 : technological change
Reason #7 : access to emerging markets with proactive policies
Reason #8 : easier with experience
Reason #9 : U.S. immigration policies
Reason #10 : corporate strategy that no longer includes workers
ch. 6. The far-reaching effects of outsourcing on the U.S. economy
The long-run impacts on economic efficiency
The impacts on U.S. labor demand
The impacts on types of occupations and education
The threats to U.S. technological capacity
ch. 7. The human face of outsourcing : the impact on individual workers and communities
The immediate impact on American workers
The long-run impact on American workers
The impact on individuals
The impact on communities
The Indian-American community : a special case
ch. 8. How developing countries attract American jobs
Why software companies move overseas
The rise of Indian software
The Indian diaspora brought high-tech home
Why Bangalore? : the development of the Indian software cluster
The Indian government's high-tech policies
An overview of China's proactive IT policy
The implications for other developing countries
ch. 9. Ten policy recommendations
1. Acknowledge that a problem exits
2. Gather the right date to study the problem
3. Reform U.S. visa policies that encourage offshore outsourcing
4. Adopt more pragmatic approaches to government procurement
5. Overhaul assistance programs for displaced workers
6. Establish better protections for workers
7. Train the next generation of workers to have lifelong marketable skills
8. New institutions are needed to represent the interests of workers
9. Maintain our technological leadership
10. Institute trade policies in the U.S. national interest
Appendix A. Defining outsourcing
Offshoring or offshore outsourcing
On-site offshore outsourcing
Best-shore, near-shore, all-shore, etc.
Appendix B. Analysis of key outsourcing studies
Appendix C. Legislation introduced related to outsourcing