1. Pressure broadening in the microwave and infrared regions
2. Theory of ferroelectric behavior of barium titanate
3. Use of stochastic methods in line-broadening problems
4. An approximate quantum theory of the antiferromagnetic ground state
5. Qualitative considerations on the statistics of the phase transition in BaTiO[subscript 3]-type ferroelectrics
6. Ordering and antiferromagnetism in ferrites
7. Absence of diffusion in certain random lattices
8. New method in the theory of superconductivity
9. New approach to the theory of superexchange interactions
10. Theory of dirty superconductors
11. Calculation of the superconducting state parameters with retarded electron-phonon interaction / P. Morel
12. Generalized Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer states and the proposed low-temperature phase of liquid He[superscript 3] / P. Morel
13. Localized magnetic states in metals
14. Plasmons, gauge invariance, and mass
15. Hard superconductivity : theory of the motion of Abrikosov flux lines / Y.B. Kim
16. Probable observation of the Josephson superconducting tunneling effect / J.M. Rowell
17. Image of the phonon spectrum in the tunneling characteristic between superconductors / J.M. Rowell and D.E. Thomas
18. Exchange in magnetic insulators
19. Superconductivity (two opinions) / B.T. Matthias
20. Coherent matter field phenomena in superfluids
21. Considerations on the flow of superfluid helium
22. Multiple-scattering theory and resonances in transition metals / W.L. McMillan
23. Infrared catastrophe in Fermi gases with local scattering potentials
Kondo effect III : the wilderness
Kondo effect IV : out of the wilderness
25. Superconductivity in the past and the future
26. Macroscopic coherence and superfluidity
27. The Fermi glass : theory and experiment
28. Space-time and scaling techniques in the Kondo problem
29. Anomalous low-temperature thermal properties of glasses and spin glasses / B.I. Halperin and C.M. Varma
30. Comments on the maximum superconducting transition temperature / M.L. Cohen
Comment on "model for an exciton mechanism of superconductivity" / J.C. Inkson
31. Resonating valence bonds : a new kind of insulator?
32. Anisotropic superfluidity in [superscript 3]He : a possible interpretation of its stability as a spin-fluctuation effect / W.F. Brinkman
34. Asymptotically exact methods in the Kondo problem / G. Yuval
35. Many-body effects at surfaces
36. Conductivity from charge or spin density waves / P.A. Lee and T.M. Rice
37. Uses of solid state analogies in elementary particle theory
38. Possible consequences of negative U centers in amorphous materials
39. Theory of spin glasses / S.F. Edwards
40. Solution of "solvable model of a spin glass" / D.J. Thouless and R.G. Palmer
41. Phase slippage without vortex cores : vortex textures in superfluid [superscript 3]He / G. Toulouse
42. Scaling theory of localization : absence of quantum diffusion in two dimensions / E. Abrahams, D.C. Licciardello and T.V. Ramakrishnan
43. Some general thoughts about broken symmetry
44. The rheology of neutron stars : vortex line pinning in the crust superfluid / M.A. Alpar, D. Pines and J. Shaham
46. New method for scaling theory of localization : II : multi-channel theory of a "wire" and possible extension to higher dimensionality
47. Definition and measurement of the electrical and thermal resistances / H.-L. Engquist
48. Suggested model for prebiotic evolution : the use of chaos
49. Chemical pseudopotentials
50. Spin glass Hamiltonians : a bridge between biology, statistical mechanics and computer science
51. Measurement in quantum theory and the problem of complex systems
52. It's not over till the fat lady sings
53. Spin glass I : a scaling law rescued
Spin glass II : is there a phase transition?
Spin glass III : theory raises its head
Spin glass IV : glimmerings of trouble
Spin glass V : real power brought to bear
Spin glass VI : spin glass as cornucopia
Spin glass VII : spin glass as paradigm
55. Present status of theory : 1/N approach
56. The problem of fluctuating valence in f-electron metals
57. Gutzwiller-Hubbard lattice-gas model with variable density : application to normal liquid [superscript 3]He / D. Vollhardt and P. Wolfle
58. Some ideas on the aesthetics of science
59. Theoretical paradigms for the sciences of complexity
60. 50 years of the Mott phenomenon : insulators, magnets, solids, and superconductors as aspects of strong-repulsion theory
61. Theories of Fullerene T[subscript c]'s which will not work
62. The Reverend Thomas Bayes, needles in haystacks, and the fifth force
63. The eightfold way to the theory of complexity : a prologue
64. Magnetic field induced confinement in strongly correlated anisotropic materials / S.P. Strong and D.G. Clarke
65. Physics : the opening to complexity
66. Beyond chaos : singular distributions and power laws
science : a 'dappled world' or a 'seamless web'?
68. RVB redux : a synergistic theory of high T[subscript c] cuprates
69. Physics of the pseudogap phase of high T[subscript c] cuprates, or, RVB meets Umklapp
70. In praise of unstable fixed points : the way things actually work
71. Rise of complexity, 1953-2002
72. The physics behind high-temperature superconducting cuprates : the 'plain vanilla' version of RVB / P.A. Lee, M. Randeria, T.M. Rice, N. Trivedi and F.C. Zhang.