The 200-inch reflector on Mount Palomar / George Ellery Hale --
A new type of mirror system / Bernhardt Schmidt --
Invention of the coronagraph / Berhard Lyot --
A stratospheric solar observatory / Meghnad Saha --
The beginning of radio astronomy / Grote Reber --
The magnetic field in sunspots / George Ellery Hale --
A classification of solar prominences / Edison Pettit --
The mystery of coronium solved / Bengt Edlen --
Solar spicules / Walter Orr Roberts --
Theory of the Moon / Ernest W. Brown --
Trowbridge's classical work on meteor trains / Charles P. Olivier --
An interim report on an international research project: the wandering of the North Pole / H. Kimura --
Abstract: lunar radiation and temperatures / Edison Pettit and Seth B. Nicholson --
The Discovery of Pluto / Clyde W. Tombaugh --
The Tunguska meteorite / L.A. Kulik --
Meteors in the measurement of the upper atmosphere / Fred L. Whipple --
The solar parallax: a coordinated international measure of a fundamental constant / Harold Spencer-Jones --
Planetary motions and the electronic calculator / G.M. Clemence, Dirk Brouwer, and W.J. Eckert --
The positions and motions of the stars --
Discovery of the two star streams / J.C. Kapteyn --
Historical notes on astro-photography of precision / Frank Schlesinger --
On the rotation of the stars / G. Shajn and O. Struve --
A great catalogue of stellar positions and proper motions / Ralph E. Wilson --
Expanding stellar associations / V.A. Ambartsumian --
The galaxies as anchors for stellar proper motions / William Hammond Wright --
The spectra of stars and nebulai --
Pioneering in the classification of stellar spectra / Annie J. Cannon --
Spectral peculiarities related to stellar luminosity / Walter S. Adams and Arnold Kohlschütter --
Spectroscopic parallaxes / Walter S. Adams --
Solution of the mystery of the nebulium / Ira S. Bowen --
The two-dimensional classification of stellar spectra / William W. Morgan, Philip C. Keenan, and Edith Kellman --
White dwarfs and degeneracy / W.J. Luyten --
Iron in the stars / Paul W. Merrill --
Discovery of the period-magnitude relation / Henrietta S. Leavitt --
The pulsation hypothesis / Harlow Shapely --
Radial velocities of cepheid variable stars / Alfred H. Joy --
Sic-color light curves of Delta Cephei and Polaris / Joel Stebbins --
Some unsolved problems in the theory of eclipsing binaries / Zdenek Kopal --
The diameter of Betelguex / Albert A. Michelson and Francis G. Pease --
The interior of a star / Arthur Stanley Eddington --
The empirical mass-luminosity relation / Gerald P. Kuiper --
Stellar energy and Bethe's carbon cycle / Henry Norris Russell --
Turbulence: introduction to a physical theory of astronomical interest / S. Chandrasekhar --
Spectrum-luminosity relationships --
Giants and dwarfs / Ejnar Hertzsprung --
The spectrum-luminosity diagram / Henry Norris Russell --
Spectral types in open clusters / Robert J. Trumpler --
Types of star population / Walter Baade --
Interstellar phenomena --
The discovery of interstellar calcium / J.F. Hartmann --
Wolf's method of measuring dark nebulae / Bart J. Bok --
Prediction of 21-centimeter interstellar radio signals / H.C. van de Hulst --
The polarization of star light by interstellar particles / W.A. Hiltner and John S. Hall --
Concerning protostars / Bart J. Bok --
The formation of stars / Lyman Spitzer, Jr. --
From heliocentric to galactocentric / Harlow Shapely --
Confirming Lindblad's hypothesis of the rotation of the galaxy / Jan H. Oort --
A relation between distance and radial velocity among extra-galactic nebulae / Edwin Hubble --
The velocity-distance relation among extra-galactic nebulae / Edwin Hubble and Milton L. Humason --
The large apparent velocities of extra-galactic nebulae / Milton L. Humason --
Relativity and cosmology --
On the transformation of matter into energy / J.H. Jeans --
The E = Mc2 equation / Albert Einstein --
Cosmogonical hypothesis / Henri Poincaré --
Testing the theory of relativity / W.W. Campbell and R. Trumpler --
The end of the world / A.S. Eddington --
The beginning of the world / Georges Lemaître --
From Newton to Einstein / Willem de Sitter --
Remarks on the General Theory of Relativity / Albert Einstein --
The primeval atom / Georges Lemaître --
The perfect cosmological principle / H. Bondi and T. Gold --
Surveys of astrophysical progress --
Introduction to theoretical astrophysics / Svein Rosseland --
The chemistry of the cosmos / Rupert Wildt --
Fifty years of progress in astrophysics / Otto Struve.