Part one: The Victorians. An address to King William / Thomas Babington Macaulay
Old England before the Reform Bill / George Eliot
Lord Monmouth after the Reform Bill / Benjamin Disraeli
Victoria becomes queen / Queen Victoria
Count D'Orsay calls on Mrs. Carlyle / Jane Welsh Carlyle
The two nations / Benjamin Disraeli
Unworking aristocracy / Thomas Carlye
The new generation / Benjamin Disraeli
The dedlocks / Charles Dickens
Queen Victoria's Jubilee / "The Times"
The condition of England / Thomas Carlyle
A liberal landlord / George Eliot
Slums in Manchester ; Child labor in the mines / Friedrich Engels
The rural town of Marney / Benjamin Disraeli
The men who are eaten / Charles Kingsley
A village workhouse in 1830 / George Eliot
A London workhouse in 1850 / Charles Dickens
A watercress girl / Henry Mayhew
Fever in Manchester / Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
Mrs. Pardiggle visits the brickmakers / Charles Dickens
Cheap clothes and nasty / Charles Kingsley
Dodson Protestantism / George Eliot
The veneerings ; Podsnappery / Charles Dickens
Millbank / Benjamin Disraeli
Captains of industry / Thomas Carlyle
The railway mania / Samuel Smiles
A lucky spectator / William Makepeace Thackeray
Mr. Bounderby / Charles Dickens
Sweetness and light ; Barbarians, philistines, populace / Matthew Arnold.
Part two: Reform. Representatives for London / Thomas Babington Macaulay
Passage of the First Reform Bill / "The Times"
Polling in the midlands, 1832 / George Eliot
The six points / Thomas Babington Macaulay
Working aristocracy / Thomas Carlyle
Women and children in the mines / Harriet Martineau
The Ten-Hours Bill / Thomas Babington Macaulay
Labor laws and the clergy / Karl Marx
Collective bargaining / Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
A visit to Newgate / Charles Dickens
Origins of the slave trade / William Edward Hartpole Lecky
Abolition in the British colonies / "The Times"
First sight of slavery in 1834 / Harriet Martineau
Slavery at Richmond in 1842 / Charles Dickens
Letters from Washington in 1853 / William Makespeace Thackeray
A letter from Savannah in 1858 / Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon
The roots of honor / John Ruskin
Incentive in a communist society / William Morris.
Part three: Religion. Evangelicalism at Milby in 1830 / George Eliot
A word on the May-Meetings / "Punch"
Mr. Brocklehurst's catechism / Charlotte Brontë
The Sabbath laws / Charles Dickens
Bishop Proudie's chaplain, Mr. Slope ; Mrs. Proudie on Sabbath traveling / Anthony Trollope
The Simeonites in 1858 / Samuel Butler
My religious opinions to the year 1833 ; Tract 90 / John Henry Newman
Newman's preaching at St. Mary's / Matthew Arnold
Rugby Chapel / Arthur Penrhyn Stanley
The everlasting yea ; The hero as divinity / Thomas Carlyle
The higher criticism / David Friedrich Strauss / David Friedrich Strauss (tr. by George Eliot)
Is Genesis true? / John William Colenso.
Part four: Education. Ignorance of the working class / Friedrich Engels
Lowood: a charity school / Charlotte Brontë
Dotheboys Hall: a Yorkshire school ; Dr. Blimber's Academy: forcing / Charles Dickens
A clerical tutor / George Eliot
Nothing but facts / Charles Dickens
Home education / John Stuart Mill
Football at Rugby ; Friendship tested / Thomas Hughes
The true university / Thomas Carlyle
Knowledge its own end ; A definition of a gentleman / John Henry Newman
Oxford, the home of lost causes / Matthew Arnold
A liberal education / Thomas Henry Huxley
The colleges of unreason / Samuel Butler
Science and culture / Thomas Henry Huxley
Literature and science / Matthew Arnold.
Part five: Science. Man in the geological record / Charles Lyell
The origin of the animated tribes / Robert Chambers
Special creation or modification? / Herbert Spencer
The struggle for existence / Charles Darwin
Protoplasm, the physical basis of life / Thomas Henry Huxley
Prince Albert's triumph / Queen Victoria
Punch attends the opening / William Makepeace Thackeray
From Liverpool to Manchester in 1830 / Samuel Smiles
The book of the machines / Samuel Butler.
Part six: History, the arts, and letters. Charlotte Corday / Thomas Carlyle
The stars and stripes / William Makepeace Thackeray
The pre-Raphaelites / David Masson
Characteristics of Gothic architecture ; The love of clouds ; The pathetic fallacy / John Ruskin
The function of criticism / Matthew Arnold
The Mona Lisa ; Art for art's sake ; Style / Walter Pater
The critic as artist / Oscar Wilde.