Introduction. Awareness of the living world / by Lorus and Margery Milne
[Part 1.1] The unplanted garden
1. Sumer is icumen in (13th century). Under the greenwood tree / William Shakespeare (1600). The garden / Andrew Marvell (ca. 1650). Ode on solitude / Alexander Pope (ca. 1700). The world is too much with us / William Wordsworth (1806)
2. The fall from nature / Jean Jacques Rousseau (1755)
3. Letter to Lord Raphael Sanchez / Christopher Columbus (1493)
4. The second voyage of John Hawkins / John Sparke (1565)
5. from Virginia / Edward Williams (1650)
6. Blue ridge / Thomas Pownall (1784)
7. The Potomac and the natural bridge / Thomas Jefferson (1781)
8. The philosopher of the forest / Philip Freneau (1781-82)
9. The Indian student / Philip Freneau (1788)
10. Travels / William Bartram (1791)
11. Northwest of the Ohio / James Smith (1797)
12. [Notes on the region north of La Crosse, Wisconsin] / Zebulon M. Pike (1806)
13. Inscription for the entrance to a wood / William Cullen Bryant (1821)
14. Rural enjoyment / from American monthly magazine (1833)
15. On the prairie / Washington Irving (1832)
16. [From a journal entry on the Catskill Mountains] / Thomas Cole (1835)
17. from Nature / Ralph Waldo Emerson (1836)
18. from A summer in the wilderness / Charles Lanman (1846)
19. from Walden / Henry David Thoreau (1854)
20. from Song of myself / Walt Whitman (1855)
21. When I heard the learn'd astronomer / Walt Whitman (ca. 1864)
22. from Snowbound / John Greenleaf Whittier (1866)
23. [from Yellowstone expedition] / Gustavus C. Doane (1870)
24. Wonders of Yellowstone / Nathaniel Pitt Langford (1871)
25. [Regarding a trip to Yosemite Valley with Ralph Waldo Emerson] / John Muir (1871)
26. Sierra Nevada / Robert Louis Stevenson (1879)
27. The wilderness / George S. Evans (1904)
28. The vantage point / Robert Frost (1913)
29. This wonderful, beautiful and incalculably interesting Earth! / David Grayson (Ray Stannard Baker)
30. Wilderness esthetics / Robert Marshall (1930)
31. Why I came / Joseph Wood Krutch (1952)
32. Indian hunter / Mark Van Doren (1969)
33. Summer: a time for perspective / Hal Borland (1970)
[Part 1.2] Visions of harvest
34. New-England's plantation / Francis Higginson (1629)
35. from Virginia / Edward Williams (1650)
36. The present state of Virginia / Robert Beverley (1722)
37. Minerals in Nebraska / Ferdinand V. Hayden (1867)
38. Our mineral future / Commissioner of the General Land Office (1870)
39. Divinity school address / Ralph Waldo Emerson (1838).
[Part 2.1] Conquering the wilderness
40. The stewardship of man: Genesis 9:1-3
41. from Prometheus bound / Aeschylus (ca. 460 B.C.)
42. from Phaedrus / Plato (ca. 380 B.C.)
43. The sphinx / Francis Bacon (1608)
44. The goal of science / Francis Bacon (1620)
45. The use of science / René Descartes (1637)
46. The grand academy of Lagado / Jonathan Swift (1725)
47. from "Micromégas" / Voltaire (1752)
48. Composed upon Westminster Bridge / William Wordsworth (1802)
49. The making of Americans / M.G. Jean de Crevecoeur (1782)
50. How to found a settlement / William Cooper (ca. 1806)
51. [Regarding industrialization] / Thomas Jefferson (1785, 1816)
52. Advertising a town / from the Tennessee herald (1818)
53. The American self-image / Alexis de Tocqueville (1832)
54. The unfinished Adirondacks / C. Fenno Hoffman (1839)
55. from "Nature" / Ralph Waldo Emerson (1844)
56. The great West / Jesup W. Scott (1853)
57. Among the wheat-fields of Minnesota / from Harper's new monthly magazine (1868)
58. Internal improvements / John H. Henry (1868)
59. from At Niagara / Mark Twain (1869)
60. Nature defined / John Stuart Mill (1874)
61. The growth of cities in the United States / from Scribner's monthly (1878)
62. The Mississippi Valley / Walt Whitman (1879)
63. American energy / Robert Louis Stevenson (1879)
64. Farming the plains / William A. Bell (1867)
65. Irrigation in Dakota / James Realf, Jr. (1891)
66. Irrigation in California / James A. Waymire (1898)
67. The future of the Mississippi Valley / Albert Bushnell Hart (1900)
68. from The winning of Barbara Worth / Harold Bell Wright (1911)
69. The message of astronomy / Sir James Jeans (1929)
70. Progress as a point of view / V. Gordon Childe (1936)
71. The short history of progress / Norbert Wiener (1950)
72. from Science in America / Gerard Piel (1955)
73. Pesticides for plenty / from Time (1962)
74. Let's spoil the wilderness / Robert Wernick (1965)
75. Protecting nature from nature / John F. Buchanan (1966)
76. [Regarding the environment] / William J. Moshofsky (1970)
77. A misleading myth / Charles Zurhorst (1970)
78. Losing the river / Mark Twain (1883)
[Part 2.2] Wasting the land
79. from The expedition of Humphrey Clinker / Tobias George Smollett (1771)
80. The poplar-field / William Cowper (1784)
81. from Essay on the principle of population / Thomas Robert Malthus (1798)
82. from "Milton" / William Blake (1804)
83. Agricultural practices / Peter Kalm (1753)
84. [Journal entry, April 1] / Philip Vickers Fithian (1774)
To science / Edgar Allan Poe (1829)
86. The lament of the forest / Thomas Cole (1841)
87. Should fish fight back? / Henry David Thoreau (1849)
88. The lament of the flowers / Jones Very (ca. 1860)
89. Sea-elephant hunting / from The overland monthly (1870)
90. from Public parks and the enlargement of towns / Frederick Law Olmsted (1870)
91. The floods of the Mississippi Valley / Nathaniel S. Shaler (1883)
92. The white man's greed / Black Elk (ca. 1880)
93. The last of the buffalo / George Bird Grinnell (1892)
94. Waste in the wheat fields / Charles W. Dabney (1902)
95. from The devil's dictionary / Ambrose Bierce (1906)
96. Science / Robinson Jeffers (1925)
97. A brook in the city / Robert Frost (1923)
98. The artifices of society / Sigmund Freud (1930)
99. Poison fruit / Arthur Kallet and F.J. Schlink (1933)
100. The West: a plundered province / Bernard De Voto (1934)
101. From Plymouth Rock to Ducktown / Stuart Chase (1936)
102. Classic scene / William Carlos Williams (1938)
103. from The grapes of wrath / John Steinbeck (1939)
104. pity this busy monster, manunkind / e.e. cummings (1944)
105. Is man necessary? / Fairfield Osborn (1948)
106. Killer smog / from the New York Times (1948)
107. The pillage of the earth / Friedrich Georg Juenger (1949)
108. The future of water / Harrison Brown (1954)
109. Lumbering the Ozarks / Leonard Hall (1958)
110. Oyster Valley / Lorus J. Milne and Margery Milne (1959)
111. Wind river mountains / William O. Douglas (1961)
112. The price of traffic / Lewis Mumford (1961)
113. from Silent spring / Rachel Carson (1962)
114. America the beautiful: heritage or honky-tonk? / from Changing times (1962)
115. The great paver / Russell Baker (1963)
116. Outrage on Bodega Head / Gene Marine (1963)
117. On the nuclear test-ban treaty / John F. Kennedy (1963)
118. The half-finished society / Edmund K. Faltermayer (1965)
119. America's airborne garbage / C.W. Griffin, Jr. (1965)
120. The artifact as cultural cipher / Richard S. Latham (1966)
121. Paradise is stripped / Harry M. Caudill (1966)
122. Our dying waters / John Bird (1966)
123. The asphalt shroud / A.Q. Mowbray (1969)
124. The public be damned / William O. Douglas (1969)
125. Toward a non-Malthusian population policy / Jean Mayer (1969)
126. Perils of the peaceful atom / Richard Curtis and Elizabeth Hogan
127. The threat to life in the sea / Gordon Rattray Taylor (1970)
128. Death comes to the peregrine falcon / David R. Zimmerman (1970)
129. Dumping nerve gas / Tom Wicker (1970)
130. Pesticide death / John Noble Wilford (1970)
131. The economics of pollution / Edwin L. Dale, Jr. (1970).
Part 3. The flaming sword
[Part 3.1] The stopgap approach
132. Of gardens / Francis Bacon (1625)
133. An idealist's arraignment of the age / John Ruskin (ca. 1879)
134. In Philadelphia / Peter Kalm (1753)
135. Bird protection / Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1818)
136. Intelligent husbandry / James Madison (1818)
137. [Proposal for a "nation's park"] / George Catlin (1832)
138. Soil preservation / from Federal union (1850)
139. from "Walking" / Henry David Thoreau (1851)
140. from Man and nature / George Perkins Marsh (1864)
141. Trees in towns / Frederick Law Olmsted (1870)
142. Yellowstone National Park (1872)
143. Forest trees in Kansas / R.S. Elliott (1873)
144. Spare the trees / from Appleton's journal (1876)
145. from "The need of a rational forest policy" / Carl Schurz (1889)
146. City parks / Alpheus Hyatt (1891)
147. The wild parks and forest reservations of the West / John Muir (1898)
148. The struggle of the first state to preserve its forests / R.H. Fuller (1906)
149. [Regarding conservation] / Theodore Roosevelt (1907)
150. The National Conservation Commission (1909)
151. from The fight for conservation / Gifford Pinchot (1910)
152. Another view / George L. Knapp (1910)
153. [From a letter to Theodore Roosevelt] / John Muir (1908)
154. Save Yosemite / Lyman Abott (1909)
155. Dam Hetch-Hetchy / James D. Phelan (1909)
156. Damn Hetch-Hetchy / Martin Dies (1913)
157. The last stand of wilderness / Aldo Leopold (1925)
158. Anecdote of the jar / Wallace Stevens (1923)
159. The case for wilderness / Robert Marshall (1937)
160. The future of the Great Plains / Great Plains Committee report (1937)
161. Of time and the economy / Henry Beetle Hough (1960)
162. The Wilderness Act / from United States Code (1964)
163. Spaceship Earth / Kenneth E. Boulding (1966)
164. The age of effluence / from Time (1968)
165. Too many people / Paul R. Erlich (1968)
166. from Speech to the American Chemical Society symposium / Lee A. DuBridge (1969)
167. A larger view / Peter Schrag (1969)
168. Kill a baby this week / Gene Marine (1969)
169. Taking action / Frank M. Potter, Jr. (1970)
170. Peace or power? / Berkshire-Litchfield Environmental Conservancy Council (1970)
171. The nation as a park / Gerald M. Weinberg (1970)
172. A not so silent spring / Gladwin Hill (1970)
[Part 3.2] The quintessential science
173. Nature's chain / Alexander Pope (1733-34)
174. from "The man with the hoe" / Ralph Waldo Emerson (1858)
175. from Man and nature / George Perkins Marsh (1864)
176. The grand illusion / Fairfield Osborn (1948)
177. Rediscovering natural law / Scott Buchanan (1962)
178. The politics of ecology / Aldous Huxley (1963)
179. The new conservation / from the Interior Department's Yearbook (1965)
180. The human ecosystem / Marston Bates (1968)
181. [From testimony to the Senate Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations] / Barry Commoner (1969)
182. The Earth from space / David Perlman (1969)
183. The role of the ecologist / William Murdoch and Joseph Connell (1970)
184. The new man / Frank K. Kelly (1970)
185. Spring, and a time to listen / Hal Borland (1970)
186. The shape of the predicament / Thomas W. Wilson, Jr. (1970)
187. After Earth Day / Gladwin Hill (1970)
[Part 3.3] The land ethic
188. Game rights / William L. Finley (1914)
189. Plead the Ninth Amendment! / E.F. Roberts (1970)
190. from A wilderness bill of rights / William O. Douglas (1965)
191. New rights / Paul R. Ehrlich (1968)
192. The land ethic / Aldo Leopold (1949)
193. As best we can / Thomas Merton (1968)
194. Toward a new citizenship / Paul Lambert (1971).
Part 4. Paradise and apocalypse
[Part 4.1] The new garden
195. A call to paradise / J.A. Etzler (1842)
196. from Looking backward / Edward Bellamy (1887)
197. The future of man in America / Charles R. Van Hise (1909)
198. Future resources / Arthur C. Clarke (1963)
199. from Wilderness and man in 2065 / William E. Siri (1965)
200. The city tomorrow / Ron M. Linton (1970)
201. The fourth revolution / Isaac Asimov (1970)
[Part 4.2] The new wilderness
202. Ozymandias / Percy Bysshe Shelley (1817)
203. from The time machine / H.G. Wells (1895)
204. from We / Eugene Zamiatin (1924)
205. What the ants are saying / Don Marquis (ca. 1925)
206. Power and food in the future / Charles Galton Darwin (1952)
207. Conservationist underground / Frederik Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth (1952)
208. Maggots / Harrison Brown (1954)
209. Back to the cave / Harrison Brown and James Real (1960)
210. Eco-catastrophe! / Paul R. Ehrlich (1969)
211. So fair a world it was / Mark Van Doren (1969).