Canaan, Israelite Invasion of --
Chaldean (Neo-Babylonian) Empire, Expansion of --
Egypt, Hyksos Invasion of --
India, Aryan Invasion of --
Palestine, Egyptian Invasions of --
Part 2. Classical World --
Britain, Roman Conquest of --
Carthage, Expansion of --
Carthage, Roman Invasion of (Third Punic War) --
Egypt, Alexander's Conquest of --
Gaul, Roman Conquest of --
Germany, Roman Invasion of --
Greece, Persian Invasion of --
India, Alexander's Invasion of --
Italy, Carthaginian Invasion of (Second Punic War) --
Persia, Alexander's Conquest of --
Sicily, Roman Conquest of (First Punic War) --
Spain, Roman Conquest of --
Part 3. Dark and Middle Ages --
Britain, Norman Invasion of --
China, Khitan Invasion of --
China, Mongol Conquest of --
England, Viking Conquest of --
Europe, Mongol Invasion of --
France, Viking Invasion of --
Ghana, Almoravid Invasion of --
India, Kushan Invasion of --
India, Muslim Invasion of --
Ireland, English Invasion of --
Ireland, Viking Invasions of --
Italy and Sicily, Norman Conquest of --
Japan, Mongol Invasions of --
Korea, Mongol Invasion of --
Mexico, Aztec Conquest of --
Middle East, Mongol Invasion of the --
Middle East, Muslim Conquest of the --
Russia, Establishment and Expansion of --
Russia, Mongol Conquest of --
Scotland, English Conquest of --
Spain, Muslim Conquest of --
Vietnam, Chinese Conquest of --
Part 4. Renaissance and the Age of Exploration --
Africa, Dutch Occupation in --
Africa, Portuguese Occupation in --
Australia, British Occupation of --
Austria, Turkish Invasion of --
Brazil, Portuguese Colonization of --
Caribbean, European Occupation of --
Ceylon, Dutch Occupation of --
Ceylon, Portuguese Occupation of --
Ching (Manchu) Dynasty --
Cyprus, Ottoman Invasion of --
East Indies, Dutch Occupation of the --
England, Spanish Invasion of (Spanish Armada) --
India, British Occupation of --
India, French Occupation of --
Italy, Austrian Invasion of (War of the Spanish Succession) --
Italy, French Invasions of --
Netherlands, French Invasions of the --
North America, British Occupation of --
North America, French Occupation of --
Palatinate, French Invasion of the (War of the League of Augsburg) --
Portugal, Spanish Occupation of --
Russia, Swedish Invasion of (Great Northern War) --
Saxony, Prussian Invasion of (Seven Years' War) --
Silesia, Prussian Invasion of (War of the Austrian Succession) --
Western Hemisphere, Spanish Occupation of --
Part 5. Age of Revolutions and Napoleon --
Austria, Napoleon's Conquest of --
Canada, American Invasion of --
Canada, U.S. Invasion of --
Egypt, Napoleon's Invasion of --
France, European Invasion of --
Italy, Napoleon's Invasion of --
New York, British Invasion of (1776) --
New York, British Invasion of (1777) --
Prussia, Napoleon's Invasion of --
Russia, Napoleon's Invasion of --
Southern United States, British Invasion of --
United States, British Invasion of (1814) --
Part 6. Age of Empires --
Afghanistan, British Invasions of --
Africa, French Occupations in --
Africa, German Occupations in --
Algeria, French Occupation of --
Ashanti, British Conquest of --
Ceylon, British Occupation of --
China, British Invasion of (Opium War) --
Congo, Belgian Occupation of --
Cuba, U.S. Invasion of --
Egypt, British Occupation of --
France, Prussian Invasion of (Franco-Prussian War) --
Indians of North America, U.S. Conquest of --
Indochina, French Occupation of --
Kenya, British Colonization of --
Korea, Japanese Invasion of (Sino-Japanese War) --
Mexico, French Occupation of --
Mexico, U.S. Invasion of --
New Zealand, British Occupation of --
Philippines, U.S. Occupation of the --
Puerto Rico, U.S. Invasion of --
Singapore, British Occupation of --
Somalia, European Colonization of --
South Africa, British Occupation of --
Uganda, British Occupation of --
Zululand, British Invasion of --
Part 7. Twentieth Century --
Afghanistan, Soviet Invasion of --
Afghanistan, Un Invasion of --
Albania, Italian Conquest of --
Austria, Nazi Occupation of --
Balkans, Nazi Invasion of --
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbian Invasion of --
Britain, Nazi Invasion of (Battle of Britain) --
Burma, Japanese Invasion of --
China, Japanese Invasion of --
Cyprus, Turkish Invasion of --
Czechoslovakia, Nazi Occupation of --
Dutch East Indies, Japanese Invasion of --
East Africa, British Invasion of --
Egypt, Italian Invasion of --
Eisenhower, Dwight David --
Ethiopia, Italian Invasion of --
Finland, Soviet Invasion of --
France, Allied Invasion of --
France, German Invasion of --
France, Nazi Invasion of --
Germany, Soviet Invasion of --
Grenada, U.S. Invasion of --
Iraq, US/Coalition Invasion of --
Israel, Arab Invasion of (Yom Kippur War) --
Italy, Allied Invasion of --
Kuwait, Iraqi Invasion of --
Latin America, U.S. Interventions in --
Libya, Italian Occupation of --
Manchuria, Japanese Invasion of (1904) (Russo-Japanese War) --
Manchuria, Japanese Invasion of (1931) --
Mesopotamia, British Invasion of --
Midway, Japanese Invasion of --
New Guinea, Japanese Invasion of --
North Africa, U.S. Invasion of --
Norway and Denmark, Nazi Invasion of --
Pacific Islands, U.S. Conquest of --
Panama, U.S. Invasion of --
Philippines, Japanese Invasion of the --
Philippines, U.S. Invasion of the --
Poland, Nazi Conquest of --
Rhineland, Nazi Occupation of the --
Russia, German Invasion of --
Sicily, Allied Invasion of --
Sinai, Israeli Invasion of (1956) (Suez Crisis) --
Sinai, Israeli Invasion of (1967) (Six-Day War) --
Singapore and Malaya, Japanese Conquest of --
South Korea, North Korean Invasion of (Korean War) --
Soviet Union, Nazi Invasion of the --
Turkey, British Invasion of --
Section 2. Bibliography --
Text of the Armant Stela (1456 BCE) --
Truce of God -- Bishopric of Terouanne (1063) --
Decree of the Emperor Henry Iv Concerning A Truce of God (1085) --
Fulcher of Chartres (1095) --
Peace of the Land Established / Frederick Barbarossa (1152-1157) --
Constitution of the United States of America --
Final Act of the International Peace Conference (1899) --
Final Act of the Second International Peace Conference (1907) --
General Pact for the Renunciation of War-Signed at Paris (1928) --
Directive No. 1 for the Conduct of the War (1939) --
Proclamation / Adolf Hitler (1939) --
Three-Power Pact Among Germany, Italy and Japan (1940) --
Text of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Speech to Congress and the Nation Following the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor (1941) --
Selections from the Charter of the United Nations (1945) --
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) --
North Atlantic Treaty (1949) --
Excerpts from the Dayton Peace Accords: General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1995)
"Not-So-Sacred Borders" / James Kitfield --
Frontline: Give War A Chance
The Uses of Military Force /
Jim Mokhiber and Rick Young --
September 11, 2001: Attack on America, Joint Resolution 63 -- Introduced in the House September 13, 2001 --
Supreme Court Cases Reviewing the War and Treaty Powers of the United States Constitution --
Just-War Theory / Alexander Moseley --
Section 4. Historical Timeline of Entries --