Introduction: getting started
Topics in observation: The ecological view of the child
A word about ethics and confidentiality
1. Using the class list log to look at separation and school adjustment
Using the reflective journal
Topics in observation: Why not use a daily log or daily journal?
Looking at separation and school adjustment
Helping all children with separation and school adjustment
Helping professionals for separation and school adjustment concerns
2. Using anecdotal recordings to look at self-care
Using the anecdotal recording
Looking at self-care skills
Topics in observation: Using all our senses
Helping all children with self-care skills
Helping professionals for self-care skills
3. Using checklists to look at physical development
Looking at growth and development
Topics in observation: Your frame of reference
Helping all children with physical development
Helping professionals for physical development concerns
4. Using running records to look at social development
Looking at social development
Topics in observation: "The stew"
Helping all children with social development
Helping professionals for social development concerns
5. Using frequency counts to look at emotional development
Looking at emotional development
Helping all children with emotional development
Topics in observation: The assessment and curriculum braid
Helping professionals for emotion concerns.
6. Using conversations to listen to language and speech
Using conversations as an observation method
Listening to language and speech
Helping all children with language development
Topics in observation: Diversity
Helping professionals for speech and language concerns
7. Using time samples to look at attention span
Looking at cognitive development
Helping all children with attention span
Topics in observation: Attention span and autism
Helping professionals for attention concerns
8. Using standardized measurements to look at cognitive development
Topics in observation: Measuring cognitive development
Looking at cognitive development: math, science, and technology
Helping all children with cognitive development
Topics in observation: "Real" curriculum
Helping professionals for cognitive concerns
9. Using rating scales to look at literacy
Helping all children with literacy
Topics in observation: Books in the sandbox
Helping professionals for literacy concerns
10. Using work samples to look at creativity
Using work samples to observe a child's development
Looking at children's creative development
Helping all children with creativity
Helping professionals for creative arts
Topics in observation: Responding to children's work.
11. Using technology for documentation of sociodramatic play
Using technology for documentation
Topics in observation: Protecting the rights of the child
Helping all children with sociodramatic play
Helping professionals for play concerns
12. Using documentation for child abuse suspicions and looking at self-concept
Using documentation for child abuse suspicions
Diversity and child abuse
Topics in observation: Dealing with families suspected of child maltreatment
Self-concept and self-esteem
helping all children with self-esteem
Helping professionals for child abuse and self-esteem concerns
13. Using program assessments to look at children in groups
Assessing early childhood programs
Topics in observation: Assessing the environment
Looking at the adjustment of the child to the program
Helping all children in group settings
Helping professionals for program evaluation and support
14. Using the portfolio to conference with families and looking at the child's interactions with adults
Communications between home and school
Using the portfolio to conference with families
Looking at the child's interactions with adults
Topics in observation: does the Week by Week Plan meet NAEYC guidelines for assessment?
Helping all children through home and school communications
Helping professionals for home and school communication
15. Using the yearly plan to observe and record children's development.