What is Intimate Partner Violence?
How Serious is the Problem of Intimate Partner Violence?
Worldwide Intimate Partner Violence Statistics
Intimate Partner Violence Statistics in the United States and Canada
Pregnancy and Intimate Partner Violence
Latinos in the United States
Other Ethnic Groups and IPV
Intimate Partner Violence in Latin America
About the Men whose Voices are Heard in this Book
The Interview Participants
Why do men assault their partners?
Theoretical Perspectives on the Etiology of Partner Abuse
Cognitive-Behavioral Approach
Clinical Model/Psychopathology
Typologies of partner abusive men Attachment Theory and its Application to the Violent Man
Psychodynamic/Self Psychology Approach
Theories of Etiology of IPV among Latinos
What puts men at risk to be violent in the home? Risk Factors
Low Socioeconomic Status, Unemployment, and Low Educational
Alcohol in Latino Populations
Other Risk Factors in Partner Abuse
Behavioral deficits Insecure or Avoidant Attachment
Depression and Low Self-Esteem.
High Levels of Marital Conflict
Generalized Aggression/Antisocial Traits
Traditional Gender Roles, a Non-risk Factor?
Acculturation/ immigration and cultural change Protective Factors
Latino Culture: Approaches to Therapy
Values in Interpersonal Relations: Respeto, Personalismo, and Simpatía
Importance of Religious Beliefs
Gender Schemas and Immigration
Socioeconomic Status versus Race
The Immigration Experience
Acculturation and Acculturation Stress
Perception of Mental Illness and Attitudes towards Treatment
Migration History and Acculturation
Effective Therapeutic Modes for Latinos
Effective Therapeutic Techniques
Characteristics of the Culturally Aware Therapist
Treatment of Partner Abusive Men
Does treatment for partner abusive men work?
Latino Men and Treatment for IPV
Who are the men being treated for IPV? Results of a Survey
Ethnicity of survey respondents Urban versus rural origin Number of children in family of origin History of abuse and neglect History of Witnessing IPV
Father's alcohol abuse or alcoholism Mother's status in the family of origin Religious identification Marital status Particulars of the IPV incident Children Witnessing IPV.
Low socioeconomic status Low academic achievement Employment status and unemployment Alcohol abuse by respondents Age of respondents Depression
Relationship conflict Generalized aggression Extended family and social support Level of acculturation Summary of survey findings Additional Findings from the Survey
Why Use Qualitative Methods to Research this Topic?
Qualitative In-Depth Interviews
Development of the Interview schedule Translation and back translation of the interview schedule Pilot study of the interview schedule Data Collection
Transcription of the interview Data Analysis Using the Constant Comparative Method
Communication of the Outcome of the Study
Violence as a Way of Life
Traditional Gender Roles as the Bedrock of Violence towards Women
Today's Perpetrator is often Yesterday's Victim: Child Abuse and Neglect in the Family of Origin
Childhood Trauma and Abandonment leading to a Fragile Sense of Self
Maladaptive Coping Skills
Father's Alcohol Abuse or Alcoholism
Alcohol Abuse and Dependence as a Risk Factor for Intimate Violence
Lack Of Relationship Skills
Being an Immigrant, Often Unwelcome: Acculturation Stress
Immigration difficulties Discrimination.
Protective factors. What is it about Latino culture that makes partner violence unacceptable in theory?
Positive Aspects of Male Gender Roles
Importance of Spiritual Values
Spiritual Teaching and IPV
What was it like for the Men to be in Treatment for Partner Abuse?
The Experience of Group Therapy: What Made Treatment Work
Thoughts and Feeling about Group Therapy
Learning from the group Feelings about treatment Learning through content taught Contributing to the group Group Behaviors
Helpful Aspects of the Group
Effective Teaching Style: Clarity And Structure
Effective Therapeutic Style: Simpatía and Empathy
Ineffective Teaching Style: Authoritarian and Unfocused
Ineffective Therapeutic Style: Confrontation and Blaming
Making Decisions about Personal Change and Healing: Outcomes of Treatment
Changes in attitude and behavior Change of Attitudes and Behaviors towards Others
Healing from past trauma Contributions to the Group Experience
Overcoming Substance Abuse and Dependence.
The Need for Public Education
Knowing the Legal Consequences of IPV
Knowing about IPV Prevention and Treatment
Dissemination of Knowledge about IPV in Mexico and Latin America
Personal Transformation: redefining self as person, husband and father Changes in gender role perceptions Appreciation of Gender Equality
Importance of family and new parenting skills Learning to be a Father
Sharing the Information they have Received
Culturally Specific Topics Identified as Helpful Treatment Components
Emphasis on Parenting Education
Extensive discussion of rigid male gender roles, especially machismo Acknowledgment of Discrimination against Immigrants and Women
Discussion of difficulties stemming from immigration Open Discussion of Sexual Abuse in Relationships
Inclusion of Spirituality Related to the Prevention of IPV
Partner Abusive Latino Men on a Journey to Redefine their Masculinity for the XXI Century
Cultural Adaptation of Treatment for Latino Partner Abusive Men
Adaptations to the Program
Implementation of Cultural Additions and Adaptations
Masculinity/Machismo and Human Rights
Sexual Abuse in Relationships
Immigration and Marital Conflict
Spirituality and Violence Prevention
Where do we go from here?