1: Importance Of Word Of Mouth And Customer Communities
Today's retail environment
What are word-of-mouth marketing and customer communities?
What customer communities will do for your business
Why word-of-mouth marketing is so popular now
Why you should harness the power of word of mouth
Word of mouth and the local store advantage
How a customer community fits into your advertising plan
2: Who Are Your Customers?
Getting Started: Defining your trading area by geography and zip codes
Moving Forward: Determining the demographics of your trading area
Taking It further: Looking at your business by customer segments
Your loyalty segments: the family, flirts, and phantoms
Getting the data about your customers
3: Getting Started With Word Of Mouth
Getting Started: Backgrounds, definitions, and history of word of mouth
Just what is word of mouth?
Getting Started: Understanding the impact of word of mouth
Moving Forward: Elements of word-of-mouth campaign
Moving Forward: Using information to create word of mouth
Moving Forward: Delivering the communication
Taking It Further: Working with traditional advertising
Taking It Further: Using word of mouth with the family, flirts, and phantoms
Taking It Further: Creating and working with store champions
4: Encouraging And Rewarding Word Of Mouth With Family, Flirts, And Phantoms
Getting Started: Asking your customers to talk about your store
Moving Forward: Understanding reward and loyalty systems
Moving Forward: Types of reward programs
Moving Forward: Selecting the best reward program for your business
Taking It Further: Creating a personalized loyalty program
Taking It Further: Personal communication as its own reward
Taking It Further: Turning loyalty into referrals
5: How Customer Communities Work
Getting Started: Customer communities as the third place
Getting Started: Understanding the customer benefits of communities
Moving Forward: Best practices of customer communities
Taking It Further: Understanding how communities pay off for your store
6: Establishing Your Online Community
Getting Started: Successes and challenges of online communities
Moving Forward: Choosing a format for your online community
Moving Forward: Identifying social glue to bring your community together
Moving Forward: Selecting the best glue
Moving Forward: Involving customers in your community
Taking It Further: Facilitating and moderating your community
Taking It Further: Making the third place
7: Growing And Supporting Your Online Community
Getting Started: Ways to get online members into your store
Moving Forward: Creating a community space in your store
Moving Forward: Involving your employees in community efforts
Moving Forward: Roles your employees can play
Taking It Further: Reaching out to local organizations to aid your community efforts
Taking It Further: Selecting activities
Taking It Further: Successfully implementing community marketing programs
Getting Started: Defining success and tracking results
Moving Forward: Sales measurements that track changes in your business
Customer service measurements that indicate changes in your business
Ways to measure word-of-mouth activity
Measuring the value of your community
Taking It Further: Making sense of measures
9: Keeping Your Community Fresh And Vital
Getting Started: Cluster effect and its impact on your community
Moving Forward: Understanding the power of social networks through MySpace
Keeping interest and involvement alive
Taking It Further: Revisiting your marketing grid
Taking It Further: Clarifying community roles
10: Ethical Considerations That Will Make Your Community More Successful
Why privacy statements are important
Steps in developing and implementing your privacy program
Transparency and how it effects the legitimacy of your community
Word of mouth marketing association principles of WOM marketing
Appendix: Your Local Store Marketing Toolbox
Toolbox 1: Developing your marketing grid
Toolbox 2: Creating a map to discover your trading area
Toolbox 3: Using zip code tabulation to think about your local market area
Toolbox 4: Primer on demographics
Toolbox 5: Data-collection techniques
Toolbox 6: Talking to customers: what to ask
Toolbox 7: Analyzing data
Toolbox 8: Collecting data on your Web site