Applied theatre : an introduction / Tim Prentki and Sheila Preston
Poetics of representation. Introduction to poetics of representation / Tim Prentki ; Rabelais and his world / Mikhail Bakhtin ; Brecht on theatre / John Willett (ed.) ; Clown, opera, the atomic bomb and the classroom / Julie Salverson ; Provoking intervention / Adrian Jackson ; "Lift your mask" : Geese Theatre Company in performance / Andy Watson ; Doing time : a personal and practical account of making performance work in prisons / Lois Weaver
Ethics of representation. Introduction to ethics of representation / Sheila Preston ; Commentary on The war plays / Edward Bond ; On the political / Chantal Mouffe ; Choosing the margin as a space of radical openness / bell hooks ; Representing the other / Sue Wilkinson and Celia Kitzinger ; "Fit for a child?" artistry and didacticism in a theatre in health education programme for young children / Joe Winston ; "You just made the blueprint to suit yourselves" : a theatre-based health research project in Lungwena, Malawi / David Kerr ; Bearing witness : the position of theatre makers in the telling of trauma / Amanda Stuart Fisher ; The ends of applied theatre : incidents of cutting and chopping / James Thompson
Participation. Introduction to participation / Sheila Preston ; Theatre of the oppressed / Augusto Boal ; Selections from the prison notebooks / Antonio Gramsci ; Participation / Majid Rahnema ; Participation for liberation or incrimination? / Ananda Breed ; Altogether now? Reconsidering the merits of participation in child-rights theatre / Paul Moclair ; The complexity and challenge of participation : a case study of Collective Encounters' Living Place Project / Sarah Thornton ; The use of dialogical approaches for community theatre by the group Nós Do Morro, in the Vidigal Favela of Rio de Janeiro / Marina Henriques Coutinho and Marcia Pompeo Nogueira
Intervention. Introduction to intervention / Tim Prentki ; Profit over people / Noam Chomsky ; When people play people / Zakes Mda ; Drama as a process for change / Dorothy Heathcote ; Theatre as communal work : intervention in rural communities / John Somers ; Made to measure? A critical interrogation of applied theatre as intervention with young offenders in the UK / Jenny Hughes with Simon Ruding ; Flight paths : challenging racism in Sunderland and Newcastle / Kathleen McCreery ; The performance of trauma / Penny Bundy ; Playback theatre in Burundi : can theatre transcend the gap? / Jonathan Fox
Border crossing. Introduction to border crossing / Tim Prentki ; Border crossings / Henry Giroux ; Decolonising the mind / Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o ; Re-locating memory : performance, reminiscence and communities of diaspora / Helen Nicholson ; "Is this the play?" Applied theatre practice in a pupil referral unit / Caoimhe McAvinchey ; My people's blood : mobilizing rural aboriginal populations in Canada around issues if HIV / Josie Auger and Jane Heather ; Transgressing borders in Portland, Maine / Jan Cohen-Cruz
Transformation. Introduction to transformation / Sheila Preston ; Theatre poems and songs / Edward Bond ; Pedagogy of the oppressed / Paulo Freire ; Synthetic culture and development / Renato Constantino ; Are we there yet? On the road to safer sex through interactive theatre / Jan Selman with Shaniff Esmail, Brenda Munro and Jim Ponzetti ; "The mothership" : sustainability and transformation in the work of clean break / Anna Herrmann ; Who's got the power? Performance and self advocacy for people with learning disabilities / Liselle Terret ; Sanctions and survival politics : Zimbabwean community theatre in a time of hardship / L. Dale Byam ; Child rights theatre for development with disadvantaged and excluded children in South Asia and Africa / Michael Etherton
Applied theatre and globalisation. Applied theatre in a global village / Tim Prentki.