THE POEMS: Thomas Cary, from 'Abram's Plain'; Adam Allan, A Description of the Great Falls, of the River Saint John, in the Province of New Brunswick; Ann Cuthbert Knight, from 'A Year in Canada'; Adam Hood Burwell, from 'Talbot Road'; Standish O'Grady, from 'The Emigrant'; Adam Kidd, from 'The Huron Chief' William Kirby, from 'The U. E., 'Niagara'; Charles Sangster, from, The St. Lawrence and the Saguenay, George Martin, The Jewelled Trees; Charles Mair, The Last Bison; Isabella V. Crawford, The Lily Bed; Isabella V. Crawford, from 'Malcolm?s Katie'; Ethelwyn Wetherald, 'Unheard Niagara's'; Ethelwyn Wetherald, 'The Horned Larks in Winter', Susan Frances Harrison [Seranus], Rhapsodies (II); Susan Frances Harrison [Seranus], A Canadian Anthology;
Wilfred Campbell, Indian Summer; Wilfred Campbell, How One Winter Came in the Lake Region; Charles G. D. Roberts, The Clearing; Charles G. D. Roberts, from 'Ave'; Charles G. D. Roberts, The Skater; Bliss Carman, A Vagabond Song; Bliss Carman, Vestiga; Pauline Johnson [Tekahionwake], The Flight of the Crows; Pauline Johnson [Tekahionwake],The Camper; Archibald Lampman, Freedom; Archibald Lampman, In November; Archibald Lampman, To the Ottawa River; Archibald Lampman, On the Companionship with Nature; Frederick G. Scott; The Unnamed Lake; Duncan Campbell Scott, The Height of Land; Duncan Campbell Scott, The Wood by the Sea.
D. E. Hatt, Sitka Spruce; D. E. Hatt, Mosquitoes; Robert W. Service, The Pines; Robert W. Service, The Spell of the Yukon.; E. J. Pratt, The Ice-Floes; E. J. Pratt, Sea Gulls; E. J. Pratt, from 'Towards the Last Spike'; E. J. Pratt, The Good Earth; Marjorie Pickthall, When Winter Comes; Marjorie Pickthall, Inheritance; Kenneth Leslie, Tasseled Thought; Kenneth Leslie, from 'By Stubborn Stars'; W. W. E. Ross, Fish; W. W. E. Ross, The Snake Trying; F. R. Scott, Laurentian Shield; F. R. Scott, Flying to Fort Smith; Raymond Knister, Boy Remembers in the Field; Raymond Knister, The Hawk.
Chief Dan George, from 'My Heart Soars'; Robert Finch, Silverthorn Bush; Martha Ostenso, Lexicon; Martha Ostenso, The Return; L. A. Mackay, Snow Story; A. J. M. Smith, The Lonely Land; R. G. Everson, L'Orignal; Earle Birney, David; Earle Birney, Bushed; Dorothy Roberts, Private; Charles Bruce, Fall Grass; Charles Bruce, Orchard in the Woods; John Glassco, Catbird; A.M. Klein, Beaver; Malcolm Lowry, The Glaucous Winged Gull; Dorothy Livesay, Pioneer; Dorothy Livesay, 'Haunted House'; Gregory J. Power, Bogwood.
Anne Wilkinson, A Poet's-Eye View; Anne Wilkinson, Nature Be Damned; Wilfred Watson, Sermon on Bears; Irving Layton, The Predator; Irving Layton, Lake Selby; George Johnston, from 'Under the Tree'; George Johnston, The Creature's Claim; Anne Marriott, Sandstone; Anne Marriott, Self-Guided Nature Trail, Douglas LePan, The Green Man; Douglas LePan, Black Bear; Patrick Anderson, Landscape; Patrick Anderson, Song of Intense Cold;
P. K. Personal Landscape; P. K. Page, Summer; P. K. Page, Planet Earth; Miriam Waddington, Understanding Snow; Miriam Waddington, Dead Lakes; Fred Cogswell, Paleontology Lecture: Birds (Circa 2500 A.D.); Fred Cogswell, A Grey World Lightened by Snow; Al Purdy, Trees at the Arctic Circle; Al Purdy, The Winemaker's Beat-Etude; Al Purdy, Red Leaves; Margaret Avison, Snow; Margaret Avison, Sparrows; Raymond Souster, Weeping Willow; Raymond Souster, Queen's Anne's Lace; Eli Mandel, From the North Saskatchewan; Douglas Louchhead, Open a wide a wilderness; Elizabeth Brewster, Starlings; Elizabeth Brewster, Blueflag; Elizabeth Bewster, Alchemist; Anne Szumigalski, On Conquest; Milton Acorn, The Goldenrods Are Coming Up; Milton Acorn, Crabgrass; Rona Murray, The Death of the Bear; Joan Finnigan, November on the Orser Farm;
Colleen Thibaudeau, Getting the High Bush Cranberries; Robin Skelton, Stone-Talk; James Reaney, The Crow; James Reaney, The Morning Dew; Phyllis Webb, A Long Line of Baby Caterpillars; Phyllis Webb, from 'A Question of Questions'; John Smith, The Birds Returned; Robert Kroetsch, from 'Seed Catalogue'; Robert Kroetsch, How I Joined the Seal Heard; D. G. Snow, Snow Buntings; Stanley Cooperman, The Rivals; Kenneth Outram, Turtle; Peter Trower, Goliath Country; Peter Trower, The Alders; Rita Joe, The Art of Making Quillboxes;
Alden Nowlan, St. John River; Alden Nowlan, The Bull Moose; Joe Rosenblatt, Mansions; Joe Rosenblatt, Caterpillar Disarmed; Peter Blue-Cloud (Aroniawenrate); M. Travis Lane, Field; M. Travis Lane, Trout Lily; Heather Spears, How Animals See; Joy Kogawa, Rain Day in Beacon Hill; Pat Lowther, Anemones; Pat Lowther, Elegy for the South Valley. E. D. Blodgett, Doma; Christopher Wiseman, Snaring Valley; Lionel Kearns, Trophy; Glen Sorestad, Shitepoke; Edward A. Lacey, Mossbacks; John Thompson, Poem of Absence; John Thompson, Ghazal V; John Newlove, The Well-Travelled Roadway; John Newlove, In the Forest; J. Michael Yates, from, The Great Bear Lake Meditations.
Bill bissell, other animals toys; Patrick Lane, Buffalo Stones; Patrick Lane, Winter 13; Patrick Lane, Cougar Men; Dennis Lee, Civil Elegy 3; Dennis Lee, if; Dennis Lee, holdon; Margaret Atwood, The Animals in That Country; Margaret Atwood, Sundew; Margaret Atwood, Fishing for eel Totems; Fred Wah, Don?t Cut Me Down; David w. McFadden, My Grandmother Learns to Drive; David W. McFadden, Dead Belugas; Tom Dawe, Sandpiper; Tom Dawe, Alders; Gwendolyn MacEwan, Dark Pines Under Water; Len Gasparini; Jon Whyte, Larix Lyalli; Eric Ormsby, Wood Fungus.
Andrew Suknaski, Soongeedawn; Diana Hartog, The Great Blue Heron; Don McKay, Field Marks; Don McKay, Song for the Song of the Varied Thrush; Don McKay, Load; Don McKay, Precambrian Shield; Daphne Marlatt, retrieving madrone; Sue Wheeler, Sing a Song of Blackbirds; Michael Ondaatje, Breaking Green; Michael Ondaatje, Beaver; Jim Green, Seismic Line; Paulette Jiles, Blacksnake; Paulette Jiles, Life in the Wilderness; Peter Sanger, Silver Popular.
Jane Munro, Salmonberries; Dennis Cooley, how crow brings spring in; Sid Marty, Three Bears; Sid Marty, Big Game; John Donlan, High Falls; John Donlan, Muskrat; John Reibetanza, The Call; John Reibetanza, Hummingbird; Charles Lillard, Little Pass Lake; Peter Van Toorn, Mountain Maple; Ken Belford, I was too poor to want to go camping; Tom Wayman, The Ecology of Place; Tom Wayman, The Man Who Logged the West Ridge; Robert Bringhurst, Anecdote of the Squid. Robert Bringhurst, Rubus Ursinus: A Prayer for the Blackberry Harvest. Sharon Thesen, Axe Murderer; Sharon Thesen, Scenes from the Missing Picture; Leona Gom, North of Town; David Zieroth, Coyote Pup Meets the Crazy people in Kootenay National Park;
A. F. Moritz, The Ravine; John Steffler, from 'The Grey Islands'; John Steffler, The Green Insect; John Pass, Kleanza Creek; Anne Compton, Trees in Summer; Anne Compton, June Bugs; Crispin Elsted, Swan Written. Lorna Crozier, Carrots; Lorna Crozier, A Prophet in His Own Country; Kristjana Gunnars, Thorleifur Joakimsson, Daybook III; Brian Henderson, Theory of the Family; Brian Henderson, Mortals; Robyn Sarah, Nature Walk; Tim Lillburn, Ghost Song; Tim Lillburn; Contemplation Is Mourning; Tim Lillburn, from 'To the River'; Agnes Walsh, Angel's Cove; Brian Brett, Small Joys on the Farm; Brian Brett, Blue Heron Moon; Don Domanski, Owl; Don Domanski, from 'All Our Wonder Unavenged'; Mary Dalton, Pitcher Plant, Bog Pluto; Mary Dalton, Stingers; Harry Thurston, Dragging Bottom; Christopher Dewdney, August; Christopher Dewdney, Out of Control: The Quarry.
Susan Musgrave, I Took a Wire Cage into the Woods; John B. Lee, The Day I Found Four Score of Starlings Dead in the Franklin; Peter Christensen, Keeping Fear Away; Roo Borson, Upset, Unable to Sleep, I Go for a Walk and Stumble Upon Some Geese; Roo Borson, The Trees; Roo Borson, Snake; Julie Berry, Snake; Daniel David Moses, A Spider Song; Cornelia Hoogland, The Orcas, Great Story; Barry Dempster, Wild, Wild; Monty Reid, 83H 2 9 78; Brian Bartlett, If I Knew the Names of Everything; Brian Bartlett, from 'Talking to the Birds'; Joan Crate, The Year of the Coyote.
Ross Leckie, The Natural Moose; John Terpstra, Varieties: Acer nehundo; Marlene Cookshaw, Fox; Allan Cooper, The Seed of the Blue Spruce; Erin Moure, Vision of a Woman Hit by a Bird; Erin Moure. Tropic Line; Jan Zwicky, Lancey Meadows, Jan Zwicky, Bee Music. , Jan Zwicky, Aspen in the Wind. Armand Garnet Ruffo, Bear Death; Armand Garnet Ruffo, Kebsquasheshing; Marilyn Dumont, Liquid Prairie; Anne Simpson, Deer on a Beach; Diana Brebner, from 'The Sparrow Drawer'; Julie Bruck, Notice to Cut Tree.
Harold Rhenisch, Hymn for Herbicide; Harold Rhenisch, The Hidden One; Elise Partridge. Plague; Laura Lush, Winter; Russell Thornton, Creek Trout; Russell Thornton, Heron; Eric Cole, Blackpoll Warbler; Ken Howe, Notes on the Urban Squirrel; Bruce Taylor, Stovewood; Eric Miller, Song of the Vulgar Starling; Elizabeth Philips, Tales from the Green Revolution; Joseph A. Dandurand, Feeding the Hungary; Sue Goyette, Vigil; Tim Bowling; On the Disappearance of Two Million Sockeye Salmon; Tim Bowling, Late August at the Mouth of the Fraser River; Michael Crummey, Cod (1); Michael Crummey, Cod (2); Michael Redhill, True Story; Barbara Nickel, Athabasca Falls, 8:40 a.m.; Karen Solie, Sturgeon; Karen Solie, Pastoral; Randy Lundy, The Great Sand Hills; Karen Connelly, The Moment.
Alison Calder, The Animals Dream; Stephanie Bolster, Many Have Written Poems about Blackberries; Rachel Rose, Raccoons in Garbage; Ken Babstock, To Lichen; Ken Babstock, Bear 10; Philip Kevin Paul, ĆIAAĆU; George Murray, Memories of the Snake; Sue Sinclair, The Least Terns; Adam Dickinson, Great Chain of Being; Zachariah Wells, Duck, Duck, Goose; Mark Callanan, Barn Swallows.