Vol 1. Handbook of personality theory and assessment: personality theories and models --
Personality theories and models: an overview / Gregory J. Boyle, Gerald Matthews and Donald H. Saklofske --
Part I. Explanatory models for personality --
Psychophysiological and biochemical correlates of personality / Robert M. Stelmack and Thomas H. Rammsayer --
Personality and information processing: a cognitive-adaptive theory / Gerald Matthews --
Explanatory models of personality: social-cognitive theories and the knowledge-and-appraisal model of personality architecture / Daniel Cervone --
Developmental perspectives / Jens B. Asendorpf --
Personality: cross-cultural perspectives / Chi-Yue Chiu, Young-Hoon Kim and Wendy W.N. Wan --
Behavioral genetic studies of personality: an introduction and review of the results of 50+ years of research / Andrew M. Johnson, Philip A. Vernon and Amanda R. Feiler --
Evolutionary perspectives on personality psychology / Richard L. Michalski and Todd K. Shackelford --
Modern personality theories: what have we gained? What have we lost? / John B. Campbell --
Part II. Comprehensive trait models --
Eysenck's model of individual differences / Kieron P. O'Connor --
J.A. Gray's reinforcement sensitivity theory (RST) of personality / Alan D. Pickering and Philip J. Corr --
Simplifying the Cattellian psychometric model / Gregory J. Boyle --
Empirical and theoretical status of the five-factor model of personality traits / Robert R. McCrae and Paul T. Costa, Jr. --
Critique of the five-factor model of personality / Gregory J. Boyle --
Part III. Key traits: psychobiology --
Approach and avoidance temperaments / Andrew J. Elliot and Todd M. Thrash --
Biological substrate of personality traits associated with aggression / Marijn Lijffijt, Alan C. Swann and F. Gerard Moeller --
Psychoticism and impulsivity / David Rawlings and Sharon Dawe --
Personality and sensation seeking / Marvin Zuckerman --
Schizotypal personality models / Melissa J. Green, Gregory J. Boyle and Adrian Raine --
Part IV. Key traits: self-regulation and stress --
Anxiety revisited: theory, research, applications / Moshe Zeidner --
A multidimensional, hierarchical model of self-concept: an important facet of personality / Herbert W. Marsh --
Optimism and pessimism as personality variables linked to adjustment / Rita Chang, Edward C. Chang, Lawrence J. Sanna and Robert L. Hatcher --
Self-consciousness and similar personality constructs / Jakob Smári, Daníel pór Ólason and Ragnar P. Ólafsson --
Personality and the coping process / James D.A. Parker and Laura M. Wood --
Part V. New trait and dynamic trait constructs --
Motivational traits: new directions and measuring motives with the multi-motive grid (MMG) / Thomas A. Langens and Heinz-Dieter Schmalt --
Processes on the borderline between cognitive abilities and personality: confidence and its realism / Lazar Stankov and Sabina Kleitman --
Culture: ways of thinking and believing / Lazar Stankov and Jihyun Lee --
Emotional intelligence / Elizabeth J. Austin, James D.A. Parker, K.V. Petrides and Donald H. Saklofske --
Personality disorders and the DSM: a critical review / Mary L. Malik, Brynne E. Johannsen and Larry E. Beutler --
Personality and treatment planning for psychotherapy: the systematic treatment selection model / Gary Groth-Marnat [and others] --
Personality and health: current evidence, potential mechanisms, and future directions / Paula G. Williams, Timothy W. Smith and Matthew R. Cribbet --
Anxiety, depression, and anger: core components of negative affect in medical populations / Ephrem Fernandez and Robert D. Kerns --
Personality and alcohol use / Manuel I. Ibáñez [and others] --
Personality, stress and the determination of smoking behaviour in adolescents / Donald G. Byrne and Jason Mazanov --
Personality assessment in organizations / Robert P. Tett and Neil D. Christiansen.
v. 2. Personality measurement and testing : an overview / Gregory J. Boyle, Gerald Matthews and Donald H. Saklofske --
Measures of the personality factors found recurrently in human lexicons / Gerard Saucier --
Cross-cultural personality assessment / Fons J.R. van de Vijver and Dianne A. van Hemert --
Measurement issues concerning a personality model spanning temperament, character, and experience / Chris J. Jackson --
The California Psychological Inventory 434- and 260-item editions / Douglas P. Boer, Nicola J. Starkey and Andrea M. Hodgetts --
The Comyrey Personality Scales / Andrew L. Comrey --
The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) / Heather E.P. Cattell and Alan D. Mead --
Contribution of Cattellian personality instruments / Gregory J. Boyle and Keith Barton --
The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) / Paul T. Costa, Jr. and Robert R. McCrae --
The Eysenck Personality Measures : fifty years of scale development / Adrian Furnham, Sybil B.G. Eysenck and Donald H. Saklofske --
Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ) : an operational definition of the alternative five factorial model of personality / Marvin Zuckerman --
The HEXACO model of personality structure / Michael C. Ashton and Kibeom Lee --
Exploring personality through test construction : development of the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire / Auke Tellegen and Niels G. Waller --
Psychophysiological window on personality : pragmatic and philosophical considerations / John J. Furedy --
Psychophysiological measurement of personality / Eco de Geus and David L. Neumann --
Genomic imaging of personality : towards a molecular neurobiology of impulsivity / Eliza Congdon and Turhan Canli --
Temperament from a psychometric perspective : theory and measurement / Jan Strelau and Bogdan Zawadzki --
From situation assessment to personality : building a social-cognitive model of a person / Vivian Zayas [and others] --
The angry personality : a representation on six dimensions of anger expression / Ephrem Fernandez --
Interpersonal theory and the measurement of interpersonal constructs / Leonard M. Horowitz [and others] --
Measuring emotional intelligence as a mental ability in adults and children / Susan E. Rivers, Marc A. Brackett and Peter Salovey --
The measurement of emotional intelligence : a decade of progress? / Richard D. Roberts, Ralf Schulze and Carolyn MacCann --
The nonverbal personality questionnaire and the five-factor nonverbal personality questionnaire / Ryan Y. Hong and Sampo V. Paunonen --
Using implicit association tests for the assessment of implicit personality self-concept / Konrad Schnabel, Jens B. Asendorpf and Anthony G. Greenwald --
The objective-analytic test battery / James M. Schuerger --
Behavioral measures of personality in children / Ellen W. Rowe, Alyssa M. Perna and Randy W. Kamphaus --
The projective assessment of personality structure and pathology / Mark A. Blais and Matthew R. Baity --
Modern applications of the MMPI/MMPI-2 in assessment / Edward Helmes --
The Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology (DAPP) / W. John Livesley and Roseann M. Larstone --
The personality assessment inventory / Leslie C. Morey and Suman Ambwani --
The assessment of clinical disorders within Raymond Cattell's personality model / Samuel E. Krug --
The logic and methodology of the Millon inventories / Theodore Millon.