SECTION I. Natural morality
1. The problem of the good: an imperative challenge
2. The phases of the immanent moral understanding of the self
3. Morality and the religions of the world
4. The rationalization of the moral in philosophical ethics
5. The deepening of the problem by the deepening of the contradiction
SECTION II. The Christian message and natural morality and ethics
6. The Christian message as the revelation of the good
7. The Christian Interpretation of the contradiction
8. Justification by grace alone as the removal of the contradiction and the foundation of the good
9. The definition of the Christian ethic
10. The Christian ethic: past and present.
BOOK II: The divine command
SECTION I. The will of God as the basis and the norm of the good
11. The divine command as gift and demand
12. The command of the Creator and Redeemer
13. The unity and the variety of the divine command
14. The threefold meaning of the law
15. The new man, as created and claimed by God
16. Goodness and the "virtues"
17. Self-affirmation and self-denial
18. The better righteousness
21. The natural orders and the Kingdom of God
22. Service as an "office" and as a personal relation
SECTION 4. The works of love
23. The active life as a gift and a demand
24. The hallowing of the means by the end
25. Autonomy, natural law, and love
26. Success and progress.
SECTION I. The individual, the community, and the orders of society
27. The individual and the community
28. Religious and moral practice as limiting cases of the moral
A. Our relation to God in the ethical sense: religious practice
B. The relation to the self: moral practice
30. The natural forms of community
SECTION II. The community of life: marriage and the family
31. The fundamental problem of marriage
a. The crisis of marriage
b. The argument for monogamy: the creation
c. Marriage as it is in reality
32. Individual problems connected with marriage
a. Marriage, love, and law
d. Marriage and the economic question
e. The emancipation of woman, and the relation between the sexes apart from marriage.
SECTION 3. The community of labour
33. Labour and civilization
34. The nature and the task of the economic order
a. The economic order as a problem of ethics
b. Economic life as an infringement of the original Order of Creation
c. The norm of the economic order
d. The evil in the economic order
e. The individual economic factors from the ethical point of view
35. The Christian in the present economic order
a. The Christian and the capitalist system
b. The search for a better order
c. The task of the Christian within the present economic system
d. The task of the Church in the economic struggle of the present day.
SECTION 4. The community of the people and of law
36. The nature of the state
a. The riddle of the state
b. The state as a God-given Order of sinful reality
c. The power of the state
f. The nation and the state
g. The state in its relation to the other forms of community
37. The acting Christian in the acting state
a. The attitude of the Christian towards the state
b. The Christian and "reasons of state"
c. The Christian and the form of the state
d. The Christian and force: the problem of War
e. The Christian and the penal law.
SECTION 5. The community of culture
38. The Christian in the community of culture
42. The free forms of community
SECTION 6. The community of faith
43. The nature of the Church
b. The Church as both divine and human
a. The Church and the churches
b. Church order and Church law
c. State church, national Church, free Church
45. The action of the Church
a. The functions of the Church and the offices of the Church
b. False and true ecciesiasticism