Academic and service partnership : a stronger voice
Aging nursing workforce : a time for action
Art of nursing : aesthetic knowing
Business acumen and impeccable ethics
Capacities : expanding and liberating
Caring in leadership development
Celebrating : recognition, reward, and the power of life-mentors
Change management skills : setting the context for transformation
Changing the future one mentorship at a time
Coaching as an essential skill : the impact of presence
Collaboration and developing partnerships.
Communication : verbal and nonverbal
Community in context with leadership development
Competancy evaluation and leadership
Conflict resolution and improving cooperation
Cultural diversity : integration, spirit, and education
Customer focused : delivering care they want and need
Data collection : care model validation
Decision making and leadership : a double dose of mentoring
Energy crisis : energise your work and life
Environment plays a role in health care.
Facility design and new construction
Financial management in the hospital : the nurse's role
First 100 days : accelerating the learning curve for the new nlurse leader
Gifts : discovering earth angels and rocky roads
Global nursing at its best
Grant applications and initiations
Groups and individuals : managing relationships
Growing through lifelong learning
Image : self and the nursing profession
Influence and influencing
Information technology : the nature of health care information systems
Innovating nursing education to transform future leadership.
Leadership models : shared governance as a path to professional involvement
Leading interdisciplinary partnership at the point of care
Management : growth through goals
Multisystem, organization-wide mentoring
Needs assessment : from the bedside to the C-suite
Needs-based resource development and allocation
Negotiating I : principals and practices
Negotiating II : strategies to reach desired outcomes
Novice to expert : a journey
Nursing process and leadership influence
Organizational development for professional autonomy.
Outcomes : an old language with new meaning
Paradoxical role models : positive and negative
Peer-to-peer mentoring around the globe
People skills and people first : walk the talk
Performance and improvement evaluation : policy and procedure
Perserverance, persistence, and hard work
Person-centered model of care
Philosophy : own it, live it
Presentation : personal and public
Program project management
Public policy, healthcare reform, and legislation
Qualities of leadership : career planning
Reciprocal and supportive mentoring
Regulating advanced practice nursing
Regulatory and organizational standards.
Retention starts with recruitment
Risk management and safety
Self recovery and renewal
Self-image and self-esteem
Share governance : looking back and looking forward
Staffing and workforce management : is it a numbers or a bodies game?
(Taking one) step at a time (or you cannot do everything at once, but you can do something)
Stess managment : starting a new chapter in a professional nursing life
Student mentoring at the international doctoral level
Synergy and win-win : the goals of effective leadership
Teams, team players, and team building.
Technology to transform practice at the point-of-care
Theory and practice : bringing them together at the point of care
Transforming practice at the point of care
Transitioning novice nurses into complex health care environments
(Building) unity within the nursing profession
Values, vision and driving the mission
Work-life balance for self and staff
Writing for professional journals.