1. How workplace violence has grown
Violence in organizations
Magnitude of cost to business
Imprecise definitions affect accuracy of statistics
Defining and classifying workplace violence
3. How violent behavior builds: the volcano analogy
Can we predict violent behavior?
4. Environmental influences on workplace violence
Changing sociocultural environment
Changing norms of behavior
Work and family interdependence
Drugs, gangs, and organized crime
Changing economic environment: the over-under society
Changing business conditions
Changing nature of jobs (including technological changes)
Changing nature of workforce
Increased diversity and presence of women
Sexual preference, age, and other forms of diversity
5. Management's dealing with environmental influences
Handling changes in sociocultural environment
Responding to the increased use of drugs and alcohol
Responding to changes in the economic environment
Responding to changes in the nature of the workplace
Responding to ineffective or problem supervisors.
6. How the workplace affects behavior
Occupations traditionally considered hazardous
Vulnerable organizations not traditionally considered hazardous
Organizations disliked by fanatics
7. Dealing with workplace influences
Recognize potential problems
Identify, prioritize, and protect organizational assets
Perform a needs assessment
Correct security problem areas
Establish necessary administrative controls
Develop an early warning system
Train and familiarize all employees with security procedures.
8. Employee factors that influence violent behavior
Job and work expectations
Dysfunctional behavior of bosses and coworkers
Personal and personality factors
9. Dealing with employee factors related to violence
Train to recognize personal characteristics and personal history
Unfavorable military record
Fascination with guns and weapons
Fanatical behavior or extremist views
No healthy way to express rage
Personality magnification
Personality disorders or lack of social / family support
Poor self-esteem and a defensive posture
Problems in credit and driving records
Train to recognize work behaviors and relationships
Threatening behavior or words
Property destruction or theft
Labor-management disputes
Uncontrollable temper and outbursts
Requires much supervision
Change in behavior or personal appearance
Decline in productivity or performance
Bullying and abusive behavior
Train to recognize how violence builds through different levels
Take special precautions with computers
Train to diffuse potentially violent situations
Provide an adequate support system to prevent violence
Behavioral observation programs (BOPs)
Employee assistance programs (EAPs)
Exhibit post-violence patience
Train for emergencies when violence is not preventable.
10. Organizational influences on workplace violence
Inappropriate management styles / behaviors
Intentional mismanagement
Inappropriate management policies
Management's poor relationship with employees
Disagreeable or distressful job factors
Pressures from downsizing / reorganizing
Negligent attitude toward safety / health of personnel
Negative organizational culture
Job overload and high turnover
11. Dealing with organizational influences
Develop and maintain security
Establish a positive, hostility-free workplace environment
Balance rights of troubled workers and other employees
Select and train positive managers and supervisors
Eliminate sick work environments.
pt. VI: General approaches to workplace violence
12. Administrative ways of reducing risks
Establish anti-violence policies
Establish procedure for reporting behaviors and threats
Follow established disciplinary procedures
Practice non-exacerbating termination procedures
Provide outplacement services
Assist with stress management
Establish a crisis management team
Establish an organizational crisis plan
Establish distress signals and procedures
Set up early-detection system
Identify and communicate who handles problems
Train personnel in well-defined procedures
Prepare a post-violence trauma plan
13. Legal issues and law enforcement
Responsibility and liability
Mental disabilities and the ADA
Approaches to reduce liability
Jurisdictional and other limitations
A: Organizations that assist in learning about workplace violence
Violence prevention checklist
C. An evaluative instrument
Identifying your organization's propensity to elicit violence
D: A training outline using the violence volcano metaphor.