pt. 1. Set up to lose, but playing to win
A covert operation / Kathleen Bartholomew
Saving patients from Dr. Death / Toni Hoffman
A lesson for the principal / Kathy Hubka
The delicate discharge / Ruth Johnson
No patience for poison / Brenda Carle
Mr. CEO, will you marry me? / Candice Owley
Intolerable behavior / Eleanor Geldard
One is one too many / Thomas Smith
A comfortable cover up / Jenny Kendall
Stacking the cards in our favor / Ro Licata.
pt. 2. We don't have to eat our young
Mentor unto others ... / Clola Robinson-Blake
A dose of diplomacy / Donna Schroeder
Standing up for what you don't know / Judy Schaefer
Broken bones and ice cream / Edie Brous
Treating transition shock / Judy Boychuk Duchscher
The empty-hands round / Amaia Sáenz de Ormijana.
pt. 3. Excuse me, Doctor, you're wrong
Eye/I advocacy / Jane Black
As if the patient can hear you / Clarke Doty
Don't just add nurses and stir / Janet Rankin
Gloves off / Nancy Marie Valentine
The overlooked symptom / Jo Stecher
Hope in the midst of tragedy / Connie Barden
The advantages of age / Marion Phipps
An expiration date for indignancy / Madeline Spiers
What hospice if for / Jean Chaisson
A real pain / Paola Scamperle.
pt. 4. Not part of the job description
I'll call in sick if I have to / Barbara Egger
Doing the heavy lifting / Martha Baker
Attacked by a patient, abandoned by my hospital / Charlene L. Richardson
The samurai sword / Anne Duffy
Only when it's safe / Bernie Gerard
The red shirts are coming / Mary Crabtree Tonges
Not saints or sisters / Belinda Morieson.
pt. 5. When one advocate can make a difference
Putting lymphedema on the map / Saskia R.J. Thiadens
An inconvenient nurse / Faith Henson
A safe delivery from domestic abuse / Kristin Stevens
To do the unthinkable / Barry L. Adams
The only nurse for miles around / Dagbjört Bjarnadóttir
More than boo-boos and band-aids / Judy Stewart
First responders in the AIDS epidemic / Richard S. Ferri.
pt. 6. Choking on sugar and spice: challenging nurses' public image
Silenced during the SARS epidemic / Doris Grinspun
In the halls of academe / Claire M. Fagin
R-E-S-P-E-C-T / Lisa Fitzpatrick
Real nurses don't wear wings / Victoria L. Rich
The lady with a loud voice / Jeanne Bryner
Taking on the terminator / Vicki Bermudez
Defending the nursing profession over dinner / Elizabeth Kozub
Remaking the power nurse / Pierre-André Wagner
Health policy from nurses' point of view / Yoko Kanamori
Maybe we should be bragging / Guðrún Aðalsteinsdóttir
Finessing the Chairman of the Board / Carol Blount
Called to duty at 30,000 feet / Ann Converso.
Nurse PI on a clinical trial / Kathleen Dracup
The need for nurse evaluators / Teresa Moreno-Casbas
Research and nursing-home reform / Charlene Harrington
How nurse make it work / Kathryn Lothschuetz Montgomery
Teamwork through research / Lena Sharp
Keep asking questions / Sean Clarke
No more Martys / Jane Lipscomb
Taking on conventional wisdom / Thóra B. Hafsteinsdóttir.
Winning recognition of nursing expertise / Edie Brous
A union just for nurses / Massimo Ribetto
We rained on their parade / Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez
Protesting on the red carpet / Kelly DiGiacomo
Saving the Carney / Penny Connoly.
The male midwife / Gregg Trueman
Fighting for our Vets / Edmond O'Leary
We are the experts / Karen Higgins
A collective voice / Diane Sosne
We will not be silenced / Carol Youngson
Standing by one patient / Faith Simon.