Introduction / D. Erik Felten
Tribute from Billy Graham
Farewell address to the nation, January 11, 1989
Tribute from Henry A. Kissinger
Remarks at the Armed Forces Farewell Salute, Camp Springs, Maryland, January 12, 1989
Tribute from Peggy Noonan
Remarks to the University of Southern California (First post-presidential address), February 6, 1989
Tribute from Barbara Walters
Remarks to the American Cancer Society, Santa Barbara, California, March 2, 1990
Tribute from Richard Helms
Remarks at the presentation of a section of the Berlin Wall, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, April 12, 1990
Tribute from Charles Z. Wick
Remarks to the Cuban American National Foundation, Miami, Florida, April 28, 1990
Tribute from James H. Billington
Remarks at the Ambassadors' Ball for Afghanistan, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel, Beverly Hills, California, May 4, 1990
Tribute from George F. Will
Remarks at Proposition 119 Luncheon, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel, Beverly Hills, California, May 11, 1990
Taped remarks for democratic elections in Bulgaria, May 30, 1990
Tribute from Gerald R. Ford
Remarks at the Eisenhower Library Rededication, Abilene, Kansas, July 27, 1990
Tribute from Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.
Remarks at the funeral of William French Smith, San Marino Community Church, San Marino, California, November 2, 1990
Tribute from Winston S. Churchill III
Address at Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, November 9, 1990
Remarks at University of Southern California-Notre Dame Luncheon, Bonaventure Hotel, Los Angeles, California, November 23, 1990
Address to the Cambridge Union Society, Cambridge, England, December 5, 1990
Tribute from Brent Scowcroft
Address to families of Marines serving in Operation Desert Storm, Camp Pendleton, California, March 1, 1991
Tribute from Lee Kuan Yew
Introduction of President Lech Walesa at the World Affairs Council Dinner, Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills, California, March 22, 1991
Tribute from Katharine Graham
Remarks at George Washington University Convocation, Washington, D.C., March 28, 1991
Address to the California State Legislature, Sacramento, California, May 6, 1991
Tribute from Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr.
Address to the Los Angeles Junior Chamber of Commerce, Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California, July 10, 1991
Tribute from James A. Baker III
Tribute from Frank C. Carlucci
Address at the Captive Nations Week Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel, Beverly Hills, California, July 15, 1991
Tribute from Jimmy Carter
Remarks at the dedication of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, November 4, 1991
Tribute from Helen Thomas
Tribute from Sam Donaldson
Tribute from Robert J. Novak
Remarks to the National Association of Broadcasters, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 13, 1992
Tribute from Walter H. Annenberg
Address to the Diplomatic Corps, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, April 28, 1992
Tribute from Richard Norton Smith
Remarks at the Eureka College Commencement, Eureka, Illinois, May 9, 1992
Tribute from Lodwrick M. Cook
Remarks to the President's Forum, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, June 26, 1992
Remarks at the Senatorial Trust Dinner, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, July 24, 1992
Remarks to the North American Forum, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, September 11, 1992
Tribute from Howard H. Baker, Jr.
Remarks to the Bakersfield Business and Finance Conference, Bakersfield, California, October 24, 1992
Remarks at Bush/Quayle Rally, Roswell, New Mexico, October 30, 1992
Tribute from Caspar W. Weinberger
Address to the Oxford Union Society, Oxford, England, December 4, 1992
Address at the Presidential Medal of Freedom Ceremony, The White House, January 13, 1993
Tribute from Brian Mulroney
Remarks at a tribute to Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, April 5, 1993
Tribute from Colin L. Powell
Remarks at the Citadel Commencement, Charleston, South Carolina, May 15, 1993
Tribute from Elizabeth Dole
Remarks at Nelle Reagan Day, Olive View Medical Center, Sylmar, California, June 6, 1993
Tribute from George Schultz
Remarks at the 1993 Ronald Reagan Freedom Award Presentation to General Colin Powell, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, November 9, 1993
Tribute from Newt Gingrich
Remarks at Reagan Alumni Event, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, December 11, 1993
Tribute from Mikhail Gorbachev
Remarks for Geneva Boathouse Exhibit, Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, January 26, 1994
Tribute from Lady Thatcher
Remarks at Republican National Committee Birthday Gala with Lady Thatcher, Pension Building, Washington, D.C., February 3, 1994
"D-Day at Fifty," released on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 1994
Tribute from Charlton Heston
Remarks at a Friars Club Tribute to Charleston Heston, Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills, California, July 29, 1994
Tribute from William J. Bennett
Letter from President Ronald Reagan to the American People, November 5, 1994
Tribute from President William J. Clinton
Remarks by Nancy Reagan at the Republican National Convention, San Diego, California, August 12, 1996
Biography of Ronald Reagan