Very personal introduction
Why this class is so important
Nature Of Life On A College Campus:
College life and its inhabitants:
Variety of college experiences
What is college for, anyway?
College and university missions
What is wisdom, and how do you get it?:
Learning inside and outside the classroom:
Some of the best stuff happens during breaks
Students teach their instructors, too
Some reasonable fears and apprehensions:
People won't like me and I won't make friends
How college will change you
For Reducing Stress: Dealing with rejection:
Tolerance for ambiguity and appreciation for complexity
Good advice you won't follow until it makes sense
Adjusting To Campus Life:
Predicting successful adjustment:
Extracurricular activities
Self-defeating temptations
Getting to know your academic advisor
Developing an academic plan
Library and technology services
Services for resident and commuter students
Counseling and psychological services
Student disability services
Intramural and club sports
International student support
For Reducing Stress: Diversifying your life:
Fraternity and sorority life
Other extracurricular activities
Managing Time And Setting Goals:
Formulating priorities and goals
Thinking short term and long term
Make sure the goals are meaningful
Structure attainable objectives
Building in rewards and punishments
Organizing and structuring time:
For Reducing Stress: Wasting time through worry
Payoffs of procrastination
Striving For Excellence In The Classroom:
Strategies for the classroom
Study the syllabus very carefully
Asking questions in class:
For Reducing Stress: Speaking up in class:
What to do when you get called on in class
What to do when you get left behind
What to do when you're bored
Interactions with instructors
Working with instructors you find to be difficult
Find an excuse to talk to the instructor
Handwritten note or a laptop?
Develop a shorthand system
Experiment with different formats
Get the slides or overheads
Review notes on a regular basis
Compare your notes to those of fellow students
What to do when you miss a class
Studying, Learning, and remembering: Personal Styles:
Finding or creating study space
What are the bet approaches to learning:
Multiple forms of intelligence
Different ways in which people learn:
Visual-spatial: I see what you're saying
Verbal-linguistic: let's talk about it
Logical-mathematical: that doesn't make sense
Musical-aural: that reminds me of a song
Interpersonal: I really feel for you
Intrapersonal: I need to think about that
Bodily-kinesthetic: I want to play with that
Naturalistic: I'm always noticing things around me
Changes you can make when things aren't working
Understanding how memory works
For Reducing Stress: Blocking annoyances
Plan your reading sessions
Write while you're reading
Identify and summarize important themes and concepts
Critically analyze reading
When you're frustrated or stuck:
Facing special challenges
Performing Under Pressure: Taking Tests:
How good a test-taker are you?
Employing multiple learning styles
Tactics for test readiness
For Reducing Stress: Dealing with difficult situations
Strategies for multiple-choice tests
For Reducing Stress: Take a deep breath
Strategies for true-false tests
Strategies for matching tests
Strategies for essay tests
Proving yourself: final exams
Unhappy about your grade?
Writing Papers And Doing Presentations:
Organization of your paper
Constructing the first draft
Writing style and personal prose
Get help with your writing
Searching and re-searching sources:
Plagiarism and academic dishonesty
Giving speeches and class presentations:
It's about the relationships
For Reducing Stress: Rehearsal helps
Presentations as a performance
Using technology in presentations
Doing group presentations
Look for more ways to practice
Making Lifestyle Choices:
Personal choices grounded in your moral beliefs
For Reducing Stress: Constructing a perfect day
If you're in over your head
Thinking Critically And Solving problems:
What critical thinking means and what it will do for you:
How to do critical thinking
Gather relevant and useful information
Read with a more penetrating perspective
Challenge biases and prejudices
Recognize the barriers that distort your thinking
Appreciate deeper meanings and complexities
Distinguish between facts and opinions
Imagine a completely different world
Recognize errors in logic and reasoning
Test assumptions against outcome and realities
Using critical thinking to solve problems:
Overview of the problem-solving process
What have you already tried?
For Reducing Stress: Stop doing what isn't working
Choosing a course of action-or two
Stress Management And Prevention:
What is stress and how do you know when you've got it?:
Preventing and managing stress
Prayer and spiritual support
Changing the ways you view the world
For Reducing Stress: Using imagery internalized language
Changing negative and self-defeating thoughts:
Identifying troublesome thinking
Challenging irrational beliefs
Talking to yourself differently
For Reducing Stress: Stopping the little annoyances
Some final thoughts about a sense of humor
Negotiating Relationships:
Finding someone to love-who will love you back
Breaking up is hard to do
Responding with compassion
Conflict in relationships:
Strategies for managing conflict
For Reducing Stress: Looking inward rather than outward
Using active-listening skills during conflicts
Be careful what you expect from others
Diversity And Appreciating Differences:
Misunderstandings about cultural affiliations
Expanding your cultural wisdom
Challenges faced by minority students:
For Reducing Stress: When you are subjected to abuse, aggression, or anger
Loss of cultural identity
Confronting prejudices and stereotypes
Experiencing other cultures
Considerations when planning your future:
Your major is less important than you think
College degree will not guarantee you a job
Your degree is based on where you completed your studies
Is there more education in your future?
Global economy and job market are ever-changing
Much of what you will learn in college may be obsolete within a decade
You won't be the same person ten years from now
Work is important, but not everything
Begin your career planning now:
Do an honest self-assessment (or have one done for you)
Talk to people about what they do and how they feel about it
Love what you're doing or do something else
Explore your interest more deeply
Check out resources on campus
Realize that motivation is not enough
For Reducing Stress: Let go of expectations
Be brutally honest about what is working and what is not
Plan for setbacks and relapses
For Reducing Stress: Confront secondary gains of self-defeating behavior
Surround yourself with positive influences