An introduction to the structure and function of the body : The scientific method ; Structural levels of organization ; Anatomical position ; Anatomical directions ; Planes or body sections ; Body cavities ; Body regions ; The balance of body functions
Chemistry of life : Levels of chemical organization : Atoms ; Elements, molecules, and compounds. Chemical bonding : Ionic bonds ; Covalent bonds ; Hydrogen bonds. Inorganic chemistry : Water ; Acids, bases, and salts. Organic chemistry : Carbohydrates ; Lipids ; Proteins ; Nucleic acids
Cells and tissues : Cells : Size and shape ; Composition ; Parts of the cell ; Relationship of cell structure and function. Movement of substance through cell membrane : Passive transport processes ; Active transport processes. Cell reproduction and heredity ; DNS molecule and genetic information ; Cell division. Tissues : Epithelial tissue ; Connective tissue ; Muscle tissue ; Nervous tissue
Organ systems of the body : Organ systems of the body : Integumentary system ; Skeletal system ; Muscular system ; Nervous system ; Endocrine system ; Cardiovascular (circulatory) system ; Lymphatic system ; Respiratory system ; Digestive system ; Urinary system ; Reproductive systems. The body as a whole
The integumentary system and body membranes : Classification of body membrane : Epithelial membranes ; Connective tissue membranes. The skin : Structure of the skin ; Accessory structures of the skin ; Skin cancer ; Functions of the skin ; Burns
The skeletal system ; Functions of the skeletal system : Support ; Protection ; Movement ; Storage ; Hematopoiesis. Types of bones : Structure of long bones ; Structure of flat bones. Microscopic structure of bone and cartilage ; Bone formation and growth ; Division of skeleton : Axial skeleton ; Appendicular skeleton. Differences between a man's and a woman's skeleton ; Joints (articulations) : Kind of joints
The muscular system : Muscle tissue ; Structure of skeletal muscle : Muscle organs ; Microscopic structure and function. Functions of skeletal muscle : Movement ; Posture ; Heat production ; Fatigue. Role of other body systems in movement ; Motor unit ; Muscle stimulus ; Types of skeletal muscle contraction : Twitch and tetanic contraction ; Isotonic contraction ; Isometric contraction. Effects of exercise on skeletal muscles ; Movements produced by skeletal muscle contractions ; Skeletal muscle groups : Muscles of the head and neck ; Muscles that move the upper extremities ; Muscles of the trunk ; Muscles that move the lower extremities
The nervous system : Organs and divisions of the nervous system ; Cells of the nervous system : Neurons ; Glia. Nerves and tracts ; Reflex arcs ; Nerve impulses ; The synapse ; Central nervous system : Divisions of the brain ; Spinal cord ; Coverings and fluid spaces of the brain and spinal cord. Peripheral nervous system : Cranial nerves ; Spinal nerves. Autonomic nervous system : Functional anatomy ; Autonomic conduction paths ; Sympathetic nervous system ; Parasympathetic nervous system ; Autonomic neurotransmitters ; Autonomic nervous system as a whole
The senses : Classification of sense organs ; Converting a stimulus into a sensation ; General sense organs ; Special sense organs : The eye ; The ear ; The taste receptors ; The smell receptors
The endocrine system : Mechanisms of hormone action : Nonsteroid hormones ; Steroid hormones. Regulation of hormone secretion ; Prostaglandins ; Pituitary gland : Anterior pituitary gland hormones ; Posterior pituitary gland hormones. Hypothalamus ; Thyroid gland ; Parathyroid glands; Adrenal glands : Adrenal cortex ; Adrenal medulla. Pancreatic islets ; Female sex glands ; Male sex glands ; Thymus ; Placenta ; Pineal gland ; Other endocrine structures
Blood : Blood composition : Blood plasma ; Formed elements ; Red blood cells ; Anemia ; Hematocrit test ; White blood cells (leukocytes) ; Platelets and blood clotting. Blood types : ABO system ; Rh system ; Universal donor and universal recipient blood ; Erythroblastosis fetalis
The cardiovascular system : Heart : Location, size, and position ; Anatomy ; Heart sounds ; Blood flow through the heart ; Blood supply to the heart muscle ; Cardiac cycle ; Conduction system of the heart ; Electrocardiogram. Blood vessels : Types ; Structure ; Functions. Circulation of blood : Systemic and pulmonary circulation ; Hepatic portal circulation ; Fetal circulation. Blood pressure : Defining blood pressure ; Factors that influence blood pressure ; Fluctuations in blood pressure. Pulse
The lymphatic system and immunity : The lymphatic system : Lymph and lymphatic vessels ; Lymph nodes ; Thymus ; Tonsils ; Spleen. The immune system : Function of the immune system ; Nonspecific immunity ; Specific immunity. Immune system molecules : Antibodies ; Complement proteins. Immune system cells : Phagocytes ; Lymphocytes
The respiratory system : Structural plan ; Respirator tracts ; Respiratory mucosa ; Nose ; Pharynx ; Larynx ; Trachea ; Bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli ; Lungs and pleura ; Respiration : Mechanics of breathing ; Exchange of gases in lungs (external respiration) ; Exchange of gases in tissues (internal respiration) ; Blood transportation of gases ; Volumes of air exchanged in pulmonary ventilation. Regulation of respiration : Cerebral cortex ; Reflexes that influence respiration. Types of breathing
The digestive system : Overview of the digestive process ; Wall of the digestive tract ; Mouth : Typical tooth ; Types of teeth. Salivary glands ; Pharynx ; Esophagus ; Stomach ; Small intestine ; Liver and gallbladder ; Pancreas ; Large intestine ; Appendix ; Peritoneum : Extensions ; X-ray studies of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Digestion : Enzymes and chemical digestion ; Carbohydrate digestion ; Protein digestion ; Fat digestion. Absorption : Surface area and absorption
Nutrition and metabolism : Role of the liver ; Nutrient metabolism : Carbohydrate metabolism ; Fat metabolism ; Protein metabolism. Vitamins and minerals ; Metabolic rates ; Body temperature. The urinary system : Kidneys : Location ; Internal structure ; Microscopic structure ; Function. Formation of urine : Filtration ; Reabsorption ; Secretion ; Control of urine volume. Ureters ; Urinary bladder ; Urethra ; Micturition
Fluid and electrolyte balance : Body fluids ; Body fluid compartments : Extracellular fluid ; Intercellular fluid. Mechanisms that maintain fluid balance : Regulation of fluid intake ; Importance of electrolytes in body fluids ; Capillary blood pressure and blood proteins. Fluid imbalances
Acid-base balance : pH of body fluids ; Mechanisms that control pH of body fluids : Buffers ; Respiratory mechanism of pH control ; Urinary mechanism of pH control. pH imbalances : Metabolic and respiratory disturbances ; Vomiting and metabolic alkalosis ; Cardiac arrest and respiratory acidosis
The reproductive systems : Common structural and functional characteristics between the sexes ; Male reproductive system : Structural plan ; Testes ; Reproductive ducts ; Accessory, or supportive, sex glands ; External genitals. Female reproductive system : Structural plan ; Ovaries ; Reproductive ducts ; Accessory, or supportive, sex glands ; External genitals ; Menstrual cycle. Summary of male and female reproductive systems
Growth and development : Prenatal period : Fertilization to implantation ; Periods of development ; Formation of primary germ layers ; Histogenesis and organogenesis ; Birth defects. Birth, or parturition : Stages of labor. Postnatal period : Infancy ; Childhood ; Adolescence and adulthood ; Older adulthood. Effects of aging : Integumentary system (skin) ; Skeletal system ; Central nervous system ; Special senses ; Cardiovascular system ; Respiratory system ; Urinary system
Appendixes : Body mass index ; Common medical abbreviations, prefixes, and suffixes.