Massachusetts body of liberties (1641)
The midwife's book (1671) / Jane Sharp
To my dear and loving husband (1678) / Anne Bradstreet
Witchcraft trial of Catherina Lujan, New Mexico (1708)
John Lawson on Native American women, North Carolina (1709)
Diary of William Byrd, Virginia planter (1710-1712)
Chassin to Father Bobe, Louisiana (1722)
The Boston News-Letter on "sodomitical clubs" (1726)
Slander and reputation in North Carolina Court Cases (1747, 1749)
John Smith, Quaker, courts Hannah Logan (1748)
Keeping a house of fornication (1754)
Life and dying speech of Arthur, a Negro man (1768)
Depositions in the case of Sarah Muckamugg, Rhode Island (1752-1774)
Documenting Philadelphia women's self-divorce in the Pennsylvania Gazette and Packet (1780s-1790s)
Lecture to young men (1838) / Sylvester Graham
Louisa Picquet, the octoroon; or Inside views of southern domestic life (1840s) / Louisa Picquet interviewed by H. Mattison
Abraham Lincoln's correspondence with Joshua Speed (1842)
New York Sporting Whip (1843)
"The lynching of a Mexican woman in California" (1851)
"Indian concubines," the National Era (1858)
Willie Ann Grey, letter to her husband (1866)
Civil war love letter (1864)
Criminal abortion (1868) / Horatio R. Storer
Male continence (1872) / John Humphrey Noyes
Diary of Frederick Ryman (1884)
Women's social purity meeting (1888)
Traps for the young (1883) / Anthony Comstock
Satan in society (1890) / Nicholas F. Cooke
Mosher survey (1892) / Dr. Clelia Mosher
Tokology (1898) / Alice B. Stockham
Red record (1895) / Ida B. Wells
Philadelphia Negro (1899) / W.E.B. DuBois
Spirit of youth (1909) / Jane Addams
Mexican American ballads (corridos)
Pacific northwest male prostitution/truancy (1913)
Commercialized prostitution in New York City (1913) / George J. Kneeland
Young working girls (1913) / Robert A. Woods, Albert J. Kennedy
White slave traffic (1911) / O. Edward Janney
"Humanity"; or, what every father, mother, boy and girl should know (1915) / Louis L. Krauss
Sex knowledge for women and girls (1917) / William J. Robinson
Birth control laws: shall we keep them or abolish them? (1926) / Mary Ware Dennett
"Mad pleasure" in True romances (1924) / Bernarr Macfadden
"Kitchen man" (1929) / Bessie Smith
United States Motion Picture Production Code (1930)
World War II War Department pamphlet on venereal disease (1940)
Black metropolis: a study of Negro life in a northern city (1945) / St. Clair Drake, Horace R. Cayton
Employment of homosexuals and other sex perverts (1950)
Letters to Alfred Kinsey (1953)
Letter to the Society for Humane Abortion (1966)
Mattachine Society : Stonewall Rebellion (1969)
"The pill : genocide or liberation?" (1969) / Toni Cade
"The myth of the vaginal orgasm" (1970) / Anne Koedt
"Rape: an act of terror" (1971) / Barbara Mehrhof, Pamela Kearon
Transvestite and transsexual liberation (1971)
"Chicanas and abortion" (1972) / Beverly Padilla
Joy of sex (1972) / Alex Comfort
Address to Democratic National Convention (1980) / Melvin Boozer
"I can't believe you want to die" (1987) / Larry Kramer
"A change of heart" (1987) / Laura Alexander
Pornography and civil rights (1988)
"Chicana lesbians: fear and loathing in the Chicano community" (1991) / Carla Trujillo
"African American women in defense of ourselves" (1991)
"Date rape" Rape Zine (1990s)
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) (1996)
"How many licks?" (2000) / Lil' Kim
"Adventures in child-rearing: the sexual life of a child growing up with Down syndrome" / Susan Fitzmaurice
"Congressional report on abstinence-only education" (2004)
Federal marriage amendment (2006)
"Sexual offenders team checks sex offenders' homes" (2007).