Chapter 1. Introduction to dress, culture, and theory / Kimberly A. Miller-Spillman --
1.1 "Undercover" in Hijab: unveiling one month later / Cassidy Herrington --
1.2 On native ground / Wade Davis --
1.3 Etiquette 101: dress codes / Condé Nast Traveler --
1.4 How dress means: abductive inference and the structure of meanings / Marcia A. Morgado --
1.5 Shades of Chanel / Tracy Jennings --
1.6 Body ritual among the Nacirema / Horace Miner --
1.7 Etiquette 101: what the world thinks about us / Boris Kachka --
Chapter 2. Fashion as a dynamic process / Andrew Reilly --
2.1 What happened to fashion? / Teri Agins --
2.2 The role of the fashion in the fashion change: a response to the Kaiser, Nagasawa and Hutton model / Rita C. Kean --
2.3 In Tehran, boutiques stock hot outerwear under the counter / Farnaz Fassihi --
2.4 Tips for working in luxury sales / Patric Richardson --
2.5 Tokyo a-go-go: cool teens in Harajuku make a fashion assault from their imaginations / Beth Hughes --
2.6 Hipster: the dead end of western civilization / Douglas Haddow --
Chapter 3. Dress as monverbal communication / Kimberly A. Miller-Spillman --
3.1 Historical background of Kente / Docea A.G. Fianu --
3.2 Manja Weinstein's Halloween kimono / Marcia Morgado, Alexandra Shields, Sophie Sun, and Cindy Urbane --
3.3 Funny Kine clothes: the Hawaiian shirt as popular culture / Marcia Morgado and Andrew Reilly --
3.4 Saudi women with "sexy eyes" will have to cover them up in pubic / John Thomas Didymus --
3.5 South Africa: semantics of the slut walk / Gillian Schutte --
3.6 Identity, postmodernity, and the global apparel marketplace / Susan B. Kaiser --
Chapter 4. The body / Andrew Reilly --
4.1 Clothing and embodiment: men managing body image and appearance / Hannah Frith and Kate Gleeson --
4.2 Beauty and hygiene, XV: Concerning the ear / Harper's Bazaar --
4.3 Boytox: Botox for men / Joel Stein --
4.4 Skin bleaching: the complexion of identity, beauty, and fashion / Christopher A.D. Charles --
4.5 Even more visible ink / Guy Trebay --
4.6 A quantitative study of females: ethnicity and its influence on body image, thin-internalization, and social comparison / Aquiashala S. Brantley, Vanessa Jackson, and Min-Young Lee --
4.7 The enigma of beauty / Cathy Newman --
Chapter 5. Appearance for gender and sexual identity / Andrew Reilly --
5.1 Afghan boys are prized, so girls live the part / Jenny Nordberg --
5.2 Reveal or conceal?: Examining the meaning of modesty in postmodern America / Susan O. Michelman --
5.3 Lifestyle and politics of fashion and gender in 1960s Sweden: unisex fashion in theory and practice / Patrik Steorn --
5.4 Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered persons / Andrew Reilly --
5.5 Queers and mods: social and sartorial interaction in London's Carnaby Street / Shaun Cole --
Chapter 6. Race and ethnicity / Andrew Reilly --
6.1 Why Michelle Obama's hair matters / Jenee Desmond-Harris --
6.2 Japanese kind of whiteness: women's face-whitening practice and the contemporary Japanese identity / Mikiko Ashikari --
6.3 Cultural markers in dress: decoding meanings and motivations of college students / Veena Chattaraman --
6.4 "Tastily bound with ribands": ribbon-bordered dress of the Great Lakes Indians, 1735-1839 / Rachel K. Pannabecker --
6.5 "Ethnic fashion" obscures cultural identity / Sunita Puri --
6.6 Dress between the sacred and the commercial: the case of the Norwegian Bunad / Thomas Hylland Eriksen --
Chapter 7. Dress and religion / Kimberly A. Miller-Spillman --
7.1 Afghan women and the return of the Taliban / Aryn Baker --
7.2 Hair, beards, and power: taking it on the chin / The economist --
7.3 France enforces ban on full-face veils in public / Steven Erlanger --
7.4 Dress properly, no swearing, and maintain gender separation: how signs "welcome" visitors to a small U.S. community / Daily Mail Reporter --
7.5 The business impact of the royal wedding / Women's Wear Daily Reporter --
7.6 From habit to fashion: dress of Catholic women religious / Susan O. Michelman --
7.7 In Buddhist Bhutan, happiness counts / Vishal Arora --
7.8 When a holy man's skin is the canvas / Stan Sesser --
7.9 Economic downturn may be pulling necklines up: struggling retailers widen options for teens: tweens to include more modest clothes / Jayne O'Donnell --
Chapter 8. Dressing for life and death / Patricia Hunt-Hurst --
8.1 A cheeky new business: Lexington mom starts cloth diaper company / Laura Soldato --
8.2 Parent power: raising Kate: one mom's fight for her child's identity / Connie Matthiessen --
8.3 Mary Jane shoe: a return to innocence / Mary Thompson and Susan O. Michelman --
8.4 Is tween fashion too sexy? / M.B. Sammons --
8.5 Put this on a billboard: droopy pants can kill / Clyde Haberman --
8.6 Dressing the deceased in nineteenth-century America / Jenna Tedrick Kuttruff --
Chapter 9. Fashion, status, and inequality in dress / Patricia Hunt-Hurst --
9.1 The campus as runway / Ruth La Ferla --
9.2 Asante Hightimers and the fashionable display of women's wealth in contemporary Ghana / Suzanne Gott --
9.3 Female tradition in a new context: the case of the Khanga / Katalin Medvedev and Lioba Moshi --
9.4 Dressing the Jíbaros: Puerto Rican peasants' clothing through time and space / José F. Blanco and Raúl J. Vázquez-López --
9.5 Costume and the play of social identities in an Andalusian pilgrimage / Michael D. Murphy and J. Carlos González-Faraco --
Chapter 10. Dress in the workplace / Patricia Hunt-Hurst --
10.1 "Look like a lady, act like a man, work like a dog": dressing for business success / Sara B. Marcketti and Jane Farrell-Beck --
10.2 Lessons from Ugly Betty: business attire as a conformity strategy / Barbara Burgess-Wilkerson and Jane Boyd Thomas --
10.3 How black can you be? / Audrey Edwards --
10.4 Too sexy for my bosses: why lawsuits based on looks discrimination, even good ones, are a bad idea / Richard Thompson Ford --
10.5 Up the career ladder, lipstick in hand / Catherine Saint Louis --
10.6 Casino gives workers look they can, must live with / Darlene Gavron Stevens --
10.7 Health to pay: pressures push jockeys to extremes for weight loss / Maryjean Wall --
Chapter 11. Dress and media / Patricia Hunt-Hurst --
11.1 I don't want to be perfect! / Aisha Tyler --
11.2 The two faces of Twiggy at 59: how airbrushing in Olay ad hides truth of the skin she's in / Richard Simpson --
11.3 Australia pushes new body image standard / Patty Huntington --
11.4 Do thin models warp girls' body image? / Nanci Hellmich --
11.5 How does Vogue negotiate age?: Fashion, the body, and the older woman / Julia Twigg --
Chapter 12. Fashion and fantasy / Kimberly A. Miller-Spillman --
12.1 Fantasy fashion collaborations / Kate Carter --
12.2 Fantasy fashion: Avatar's look is influencing designers, whether they're aware of it or not / Laurie Pike --
12.3 "What Disney says": young girls, dress, and the Disney princesses / Jeanne Marie Iorio --
12.4 Much more than plastic: reflections on building Star wars stormtropper armor / Eirik Saethre --
12.5 Costuming the imagination: origins of anime and manga cosplay / Theresa Winge --
12.6 A drag experience: locating fantasy in the construction of alternative gendered appearances / John Jacob --
12.7 Video game attire / Keoni Rivera --
Chapter 13. Dress and technology / Kimberly A. Miller-Spillman --
13.1 Haute technology: a new wave of designers is experimenting with electronic textiles, reactive fashion and wearable computers for a generation that grew up wired / David Graham --
13.2 New UGA technology makes textiles germ-free / UGA News Service --
13.3 Swinging for the fences with Evoshield / Denise Horton --
13.4 Prints for the cyberage / Suzy Menkes --
13.5 Excuse me, but my dress is ringing: technology gives fabrics greater function as the daily demands of everyday life are met in style / The Toronto star --
13.6 The shirt you spray on: for clothes that fit like a second skin, try instant fabric in a can / Tamara Cohen --
13.7 It costs more to save: eco-elitism comes with a price tag: that dress made of leaves and flowers will be dead by morning / Sameer Reddy --
13.8 Kente as an indigenous Ghanaian textile / Docea A.G. Fianu --
13.9 Shifting the dominant social paradigm in the apparel industry: acknowledging the pink elephant / Cosette M. Armstrong and Melody L.A. LeHew --
13.10 Twilight of the tribes: Ethiopia's Omo River Valley / Susan Hack --
Chapter 14. Ethics in fashion / Andrew Reilly, Kimberly A. Miller-Spillman, and Patricia Hunt-Hurst --
14.1 The ethics of counterfeiting in the fashion industry: quality, credence, and profit issues / Brian Hilton, Chong Ju Choi, and Stephen Chen --
14.2 Secrets, lies, and sweatshops / Dexter Roberts and Pete Engard --
14.3 Diamonds aren't forever / Vivienne Walt --
14.4 Feather hair extensions: fashion without compassion / Elizabeth Neville --
14.5 Rationalizing circumcision: from tradition to fashion, from public health to individual freedom: critical notes on cultural persistence of the practice of genital mutilation / S.K. Hellsten --
14.6 Are required cross-cultural courses producing pluralistic students? / Kimberly A. Miller-Spillman, Susan O. Michelman, and Nicole Huffman.