Introduction: Power of play and the synergy of games
Spontaneous Games For All Ages:
Playful learning games that can happen spontaneously and often need nothing more than a smile
Waiting game for airports, restaurants, and doctor's offices:
What Would Mary Poppins Do?:
Game 1: Guess the winning number
Game 4: Which cup is it under?
Game 5: Whose hand is on top?
Game 7: Making a wiggly worm
Game 10: Can you do what I do? Can you say what I say?
Game 1: How many ways to walk?
Game 4: Guess the number of steps
Game 5: Whose head is in the clouds?
Games Just For Little Ones (Ages Two To Seven):
Game 1: A, you're adorable
Game 2: I love you because
Game 3: Secretary to the writer
Game 7: Having a Disney day
Game 9: Playing with pebbles
Game 10: How many hand lengths?
Games For Older Kids (Ages Seven To Fourteen):
Game 1: How would you describe me?
Game 2: Five good moments
Game 5: Which line is best?
Game 2: Travel collections
Honorable head garbage taker-outer
Daily game to play with babies to develop the brain and deepen the adult-child connection
What's In Grandma's Purse? An Inquiring Toddler Wants To Know:
Game 10: Feelings, nothing more than feelings
Game 11: Catch a moving cube
Game 14: Keep your eyes on this
Game 17: Describe that taste
Game 18: Speaking in sounds
Game 22: Beach ball bounce
Game 23: Standing and counting
Game 24: Furniture pathway
Game 26: Book in a baggie
Rings on a stick (or something similar)
Game 27: Straws in a bottle
Progressive Games For Ages Three To Seven:
Inclusive games that use only one material to enhance multiple skills
Upside of making your own educational toys
Game 4: Jump one, jump five
Game 8: Throw into colored container
Game 1: How many ways can you walk on the beams?
Game 2: Frogs on the beam
Game 3: Crossing the seesaw beam
Game 4: Little jump, big jump, little jump
Game 6: Going to the store
Game 1: Tiptoe through the hoops
Game 4: Combination-vertical and horizontal
Game 12: Hula-hooping-fast and in circles
Unusual gifts that cost a little and please a lot
Game 1: Jump between the rungs
Game 2: Hop between the rungs
Game 3: Tiptoe between the rungs
Game 4: Walk on the rungs
Game 6: Go through the window
Game 10: Creating new games
Game 6: Throw at a target
Game 7: Jump over the tubes
Game 8: What else can it be?
Game 9: We've got a rhythm inside of us
Game 4: Jump twice-forward, sideways, and backward
Game 5: Hop once, hip twice
Game 11: Tightrope walking
Game 4: Balance and slide off
Therapy "Games For Ages Three To Twelve:
Home therapy games that enhance the basic skill domains
Game 5: Flipping pancakes
Game 7: Tongs and tweezers
Game 5: Don't forget the shoes!
Game 9: Ready, aim, squirt!
Game 10: Sit, roll over, jump!
Game 7: Worms and eyeballs
Game 9: Voice remote control
Short Group Games For Ages Three To Fifteen:
Quick movement games that stimulate thinking, feeling, and creativity
Short Games For Young Children (Ages Three To Ten):
Game 3: Can you do the can-can?
Game 4: Can you do what I do? Can you say what I say?
Game 8: Names, names, we all have names
Game 9: Tell us what you like to do
Game 10: Throw at the letters
Game 11: Twist on the twister
Short Games For Older Kids (Ages Seven To Fifteen):
Game 1: Bowling for dollars
Game 2: Category ball game
Game 4: Expressing self with body
Game 6: It's all in the tone
Game 8: Make up a handshake
Game 13: Shower curtain spelling