Introduction : The golden key to folk and fairy tales: unlocking cultural treasures --
Brotherly love: ATU 300: The dragon slayer and ATU 303: The twins or blood brothers --
"About Johann Waterspring and Caspar Waterspring"; "The golden children"; "The two brothers"; "The golden children" / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"Snipp, Snapp, Snorium" / Benjamin Thorpe --
"The cobbler's two sons" / Theodor Vernaleken --
"The twins" / Laura Gonzenbach --
"The fisherman's two sons" / François-Marie Luzel --
"The three brothers" / Domenico Comparetti --
"The sons of the fisherman" / Emmanuel Cosquin --
"The two brothers" / J.F. Jukih --
The power of love: ATU 310: The maiden in the tower --
"Rapunzel," (1812, 1857) / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"Beautiful Angiola" / Laura Gonzenbach --
La prezzemolina" / Vittorio Imbriani --
"Filagranata" / Rachel Busk --
"The old woman of the garden" / Giuseppe Pintrè --
"The fairy-queen godmother" / Wentworth Webster --
"Parsillette" / Paul Sébillot --
"Prunella" / Andrew Lang --
Facing fear: ATU 326: The youth who wanted to learn what fear is --
"Good bowling and card playing"; "The young man who went out in search of fear"; "A tale about the boy who went forth to learn what fear was" / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"Fearless Hans" / Johann Wilhelm Wolf --
"Fearless learners" / Ignaz and Joseph Zingerle --
"The fearless young man" / Laura Gonzenbach --
"Fearless Jean" / François-Marie Luzel --
"Fearless William" / Achille Millien --
Abandoned children: ATU 327A: Hansel and Gretel --
Hansel and Gretel (1812, 1857) / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"The ogre" / Ignaz and Josef Zingerle --
"Maria and her little Brother" / Laura Gonzenbach --
"Courtillon-Courtillette" / Henry Carnoy --
"The two children and the witch" / Consiglieri Pedroso --
"The lost children" / Antoinette Bon --
"The story about old Grule" / Marie Kosch --
"Why does the cuckoo call 'cuckoo'? The story of the little boy and the wicked stepmother" / Moses Gaster --
Dangerous wolves and naive girls: ATU 333: Little Red Riding Hood, also characterized as the glutton --
"Little red cap" (1812, 1857) / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"Little red hood" / H. Kopf --
"Little red hat" / Christian Schneller --
"Mr. and Mrs. Rat" / Paul Sébillot --
"Little red riding hood: version of Tourangelle" / M. Légor --
"The wolf and the child" / Jean-François Bladé --
"Little Red Riding Hood: version 1"; "Little red riding hood: version 2"; "The little girl and the wolf" / Achille Millien --
"The true history of Golden Hood" / Charles Marelle --
The fruitful sleep: ATU 410: Sleeping beauty --
"Briar Rose" (1812, 1857) / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"The release from the enchanted sleep" / Theodor Vernaleken --
"Maruzzedda" / Laura Gonzenbach --
"Sun, Pearl, and Anna" / Giuseppe Pitrè --
"The enchanted princess or The magic tower" / Bernhard Schmidt --
"Ethna the bride" / Lady Jane Francesca Elgee Wilde --
"The sleeping beauty" / Léopold Dardy --
The beast as bridegroom: ATU 425: The search for the lost husband and 425A: the animal as bridegroom --
"The singing, springing lark" (1815, 1857) / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"The cursed frog / Carl and Theodor Colshorn --
"East 'o the sun and west o' the moon" / Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe --
"The enchanted Tsarévich" / Alexander Afanas'ev --
"The toad" / François-Marie Luzel --
"The pig king" / Laura Gonzenbach --
"The little feather of Fenist the bright falcon" / Peter Polevoi --
"The Emperor Scursuni" / Giuseppe Pitrè --
"The great beast" / James Bruyn Andrews --
"The maiden and the beast" / Consiglieri Pedroso --
"The small-tooth dog" / Sidney Oldall Addy --
Cursed princes and sweet rewards: ATU 440: The frog king or Iron Henry --
"The frog king or Iron Henry (1812, 1815, 1857) / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"The maiden and the frog" / James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps --
"The little mouse with the stinky tail" / Giuseppe Pitrè --
"Penny Jack" / François-Marie Luzel --
"The wonderful frog" / W. Henry Jones and Lewis L. Knopf --
"The snake and the princess" / P. Kulish --
"The well of the world's end" / Joseph Jacobs --
"The queen and the frog"; "The Princess and the scabby toad" / Ulrich Jahn --
The fate of spinning: ATU 500-501: The name of the supernatural helper and the three old spinning women --
"Rumpelstiltskin" (1812, 1857); "About nasty flax spinning"; "The three spinners" / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"The three aunts" / Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe --
"The girl who could spin gold from clay and long straw" / Benjamin Thorpe ; "Kruzimügeli" / Theodor Vernaleken --
"Lignu di Scupa" / Laura Gonzenbach --
"The aunts" / Consiglieri Pedroso --
"The lazy spinning-girl who became a queen" / W. Henry Jones --
"Tom Tit Tot" / Joseph Jacobs --
"Kinkach Martinko" / Alexander Chodźko.
The revenge and reward of neglected daughters: ATU 510A: Cinderella --
"Cinderella" (1812, 1857) / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"Vasilisa the Fair" / Alexander Afanas'ev --
"Cinderella" / Johann Georg von Hahn --
"La Cenorientola" / Rachel Busk --
"Date, oh beautiful date" / Giuseppe Pitrè --
"The hearth-cat" / Consiglieri Pedroso --
"Little saddleslut" / Edmund Martin Geldart --
"Cinderella" / Achille Millien --
Rushen Coatie"; "Fair, brown, and trembling" / Joseph Jacobs --
"Cinderella" / Karel Erben --
Incestuous fathers and brothers: ATU 510B: Peau d'asne, also called The dress of gold, of silver, and of stars (Cap o' rushes) --
"All fur" (1812); "Princess Mouseskin"; "All fur" (1857) / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"By command of the Prince Daniel" / Alexander Afanas'ev --
"The king who wished to marry his daughters" / John Francis Campbell --
"Besom-cast, brush-cast, comb-cast" / Theodor Vernaleken --
"All fur" / Johann Georg von Hahn --
"Betta Pilusa" / Laura Gonzenbach --
"The golden bull" / Emmanuel Cosquin --
"Maria Wood" / Rachel Busk --
"The princess who would not marry her father" / Consiglieri Pedroso --
"Catskin" / Joseph Jacobs --
Wild and golden men: ATU 502 and ATU 314: The wild man and goldener --
"The wild man"; "Iron Hans" / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"Iron Hans" / Friedmund von Arnim --
"The golden youth" / Ignaz and Joseph Zingerle --
"The princess on the glass mountain" / Benjamin Thorpe --
"The wild man of the marsh" / Svend Grundtvig --
"The grateful Tartaro and the Heren-Suge" / Wentworth Webster --
"Georgik and Merlin" / François Cadic --
Extraordinary heroes: ATU 513: The extraordinary companions, ATU 513A: How six go through the world, ATU 513B: The land and water ship : "How six made their way through the world" (1819, 1857) --
The six servants" / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"Ashiepattle and his goodly crew" / Peter Christen Asbjørnsen --
"The four brother" / Ernst Meier --
"The king of Lochlin's three daughters" / John Francis Campbell --
"How St. Joseph helped a young man win the daughter of a king" / Laura Gonzenbach --
"The flying ship" / Peter Polevoi --
"Long, broad, and sharpsight" / Karel Erben --
Shrewd cats and foxes: ATU 545B: Puss in boots --
"Puss in boots" / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"Count Martin von der Katze" / Christian Schneller / "Count Piro" / Laura Gonzenbach --
"Count Joseph Pear" / Giuseppe Pitrè --
"The gilded fox" / Paul Sébillot --
"Prince Csihan (Nettles)" / W. Henry Jones --
"Bukutschichan" / Adolf Dirr --
The wishes of fools: ATU 675: The lazy boy --
"Simple Hans" / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"Emilian the fool" / Alexander Afanas'ev --
"The half man" / Johann Georg von Hahn --
"Scioccolone" / Rachel Busk --
"The fig-and-raisin fool" / Giuseppe Pitrè --
"The baker's idle son" / Consiglieri Pedroso --
"The fairy tale about Falchetto" / Giuseppe Pitrè --
"The sluggard" / Alexander Chodźko --
Evil stepmothers and magic mirrors: ATU 709: Snow White --
"Snow White, Snow White, or The unfortunate child" / Jacob Grimm --
"Snow White" (1812, 1857) / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"The death of the seven dwarfs" / Ernst Ludwig Rochholz --
"The three sisters" / Christian Schneller --
"Maria, the evil stepmother, and the seven robbers" / Laura Gonzenbach --
"Child Margarita" / Giuseppe Pitrè --
"Maroula and the mother of Eros" / Bernhard Schmidt --
"The vain queen" / Consiglieri Pedroso --
"The magic slippers" / Adolpho Francisco Coelho --
"Gold tree and silver tree" / Joseph Jacobs --
"A Tuscan Snow-White and the dwarfs" / Isabella Anderton --
The taming of shrews: ATU 900: King Thrushbeard : "King Thrushbeard" (1812, 1857) / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm --
"Hacon Grizzlebeard" / Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe --
"The humiliated princess" / Laura Gonzenbach --
"The haughty princess" / Patrick Kennedy --
"Blanca the haughty" / Rachel Busk --
"The crumb in the beard" / Carolina Coronedi-Berti --
"The finicky princess" / Giuseppe Pitrè --
"The princess of England" / Emmanuel Cosquin --
"The prince, who was supposed to be too young to marry" / Ulrich Jahn --
Bloodthirsty husbands and serial killers: ATU 955: The robber bridegroom, ATU 311: Rescue by the sister maiden, ATU 312: Maiden killer (Bluebeard) --
"Bluebeard"; "Fitcher's bird" (1812); "The robber bridegroom"; Fitcher's bird (1857) / Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm ; "King Bluebeard" / Ernst Meier --
"The widow and her daughters" / John Francis Campbell of Islay --
"Bluebeard" / Jean-François Bladé --
"The count's daughter" / János Erdélyi --
"The story about Oh My" / Laura Gonzenbach --
"The cobbler and his three daughters (Bluebeard)" / Wentworth Webster --
"Redbeard" / Paul Sébillot --
"The story of a turner" / J. Adolpho Francisco Coelho --
"A Tuscan Bluebeard" / Isabella Anderton.