Volume I. Little sister fox and the wolf
The fox, the hare, and the cock
An old man climbs up to the sky
The peasant, the bear, and the fox
Old hospitality is soon forgotten
The sheep, the fox, and the wolf
The fox and the woodpecker
The tomcat, the cock, and the fox
The frightened bear and wolves
The bear, the fox, the gadfly, and the peasant
The bear, the dog, and the cat
A tale about a shedding goat
A tale about a certain one-sided ram
The beasts' winter quarters
The dog and the woodpecker
The tale of Ersh Ershovich, Bristleback's son
A story about a toothsome pike
The bubble, the straw, and the bast boot
Sun, moon, and Raven Ravenson
The witch and the sun's sister
Daughter and stepdaughter
Little bitty Khavroshechka
Baba Yaga and the nimble youth
Ivan Tsarevich and Marfa Tsarevna
The merchant's daughter and her maid
Storm-Bogatyr, Ivan the cow's son
Ivan the peasant's son and the little man the size of a finger with moustaches seven versts long
Ivan Suchenko and the Belyi Polianin
Dawn, evening, and midnight
The bear, moustaches, mountain man, and Oakman Bogatyrs
Nodei, the priest's grandson
The serpent and the gypsy
A soldier rescues a tsarevna
A fugitive soldier and the devil
The two Ivans, a soldier's sons
Fedor Tugarin and Anastasia the beautiful
Ivan Tsarevich and the Belyi Polianin
The tale about Ivan Tsarevich, the firebird, and the gray wolf
The firebird and Vasilisa Tsarevna
A tale about the brave lad, the rejuvenating apples, and the living water.
The pig with the golden bristle, the duck with the golden feathers, the deer with the gold antlers, and the horse with the golden mane
The horse, the tablecloth, and the horn
A tale about a duck with golden eggs
The legless and the blind bogatyrs
Go where I know not where and bring back I know not what
The sea tsar and Vasilisa the wise
The feather of Finist the bright falcon
The tsarevna who solved riddles
The language of the birds
The marvelous marvel, the wondrous wonder
Little sister Alyonushka, little brother Ivanushka
The birch and the three falcons
Up to the knee in gold, up to the elbow in silver
The singing tree and the talking bird
The tsarevna in the underground tsardom
The tsarevna who would not laugh
The boy the size of a finger
The story of the glorious and brave bogatyr Il'ia Muromets and of Nightingale the robber
Il'ia Muromets and the serpent
Vasilii Tsarevich and Elena the beautiful
Vasilisa Popovna, the priest's daughter
The legend about Alexander of Macedonia.
Volume III. Shemiaka's court
The merchant's slandered daughter
The tsaritsa who played the gusli
The soldier and the tsar in the forest
The soldier and the robber
The princess and the robbers
The wise maiden and the seven robbers
Ivan the merchant's son scolds the tsarevna
One expert against another
Ivanushka the little fool
A tale about the brothers Foma and Erema
You don't like it? Don't listen!
A tale of a spiteful wife
How a husband weaned his wife off tales
Funny little stories (Pribautki)
Tales from Afanas'ev's Notes: The tale of a billy goat and a ram
A tale of a tailor and a wolf
The story of Ruff Ershovich, the stickleback's son
The tale of the gold, silver, and copper tsardoms
The tale of Vasilisa Golden Plait, rare beauty, and of Ivan the Pea
The tale of the seven semions, true brothers
The tale of the mighty and brave and undefeated bogatyr Ivan Tsarevich and of his beautiful spouse the tsar maiden
The tale of the three princes
The submissive husband and his belligerent wife
The tale of the ring with twelve screws
The tale of the hapless gunner
The tale of the silver saucer and the ripe apple
The tale of the frog and the bogatyr
The tale of Ivan the bogatyr, a peasant's son
The tale of Tsarevich Strong and Ivashka White Shirt
About miserable misery, the gentleman Danilo
The tale about the bogatyr Gol Voianskoi
Appendix I. Tales removed by the censor from the collection Russian Folktales: About Tsar Solomon's trickery
Appendix II. Tales from the collection Russian Forbidden Tales and from the manuscript Russian Folktales Not for the Press: Preface to Russian Forbidden Tales, Geneva, 1872
The tale of how a priest gave birth to a calf
The archbishop reads a rebuke
The fortune-telling priest
The priest lands up in the ranks
The priest, his wife, the deacon, and the laborer
The priest at the woman's and the hired man
The priest neighs like a stallion
If you don't like it, don't listen
The soldier-fiddler and the devil
The soldier-fiddler and the unclean one
The soldier and the watch
The soldier, the peasant, and the woman
The soldier and the landlord
The general's wife and the merchant's son
The merchant's wife and the order clerk
Fomka the fool and his wife