A description of seismicity based on non-extensive statistical physics : a review / Filippos Vallianatos, Georgios Michas and Giorgos Papadakis --
Recognition of periAdriatic seismic zones most prone to next major earthquakes : insights from a deterministic approach / Enzo Mantovani, Marcello Viti, Daniele Babbucci, Caterina Tamburelli, Nicola Cenni, Massimo Baglione and Vittorio D'Intinosante --
Forecasting moderate earthquakes in northern Algeria and Morocco / José A. Peláez, Mohamed Hamdache, Carlos Sanz de Galdeano, Rashad Sawires and Ma Teresa García Hernández --
An earthquake catalogue (2200 B.C. to 2013) for seismotectonic and seismic hazard assessment studies in Egypt / Rashad Sawires, José A. Peláez, Raafat E. Fat-Helbary and Hamza A. Ibrahim --
Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Romania / Radu Vacareanu, Alexandru Aldea, Dan Lungu, Florin Pavel, Cristian Neagu, Cristian Arion, Sorin Demetriu and Mihail Iancovici --
Practicality of monitoring crustal deformation processes in subduction zones by seafloor and inland networks of seismological observations / Keisuke Ariyoshi and Yoshiyuki Kaneda --
Neo-deterministic definition of seismic and tsunami hazard scenarios for the territory of Gujarat (India) / A. Magrin, I.A. Parvez, F. Vaccari, A. Peresan, B.K. Rastogi, S. Cozzini, D. Bisignano, F. Romanelli, Ashish, P. Choudhury, K.S. Roy, R.R. Mir, and G. F. Panza --
Geophysical characterization of liquefied terrains using the electrical resistivity and induced polarization methods : the case of the Emilia earthquake 2012 / Nasser Abu Zeid --
Working strategies for addressing microzoning studies in urban areas : lessons from the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake / Giovanna Vessia, Mario Luigi Rainone and Patrizio Signanini --
Earthquake-induced reactivation of landslides : recent advances and future perspectives / Salvatore Martino --
Resilience, vulnerability and prevention policies of territorial systems in areas at high seismic risk / A. Teramo, C. Rafanelli, M. Poscolieri, F. Lo Castro, S. Iarossi, D. Termini, M. De Luca, A. Marino and F. Ruggiano --
Numerical study of the seismic response of a mid-rise RC building damaged by 2009 Tucacas earthquake / Juan Carlos Vielma, Angely Barrios and Anny Alfaro --
Analysis of seismic vulnerability of rural houses in China / Jue Ji, Zening Xu and Xiaolu Gao --
Finite element modeling for seismic assessment of historic masonry buildings / Michele Betti, Luciano Galano, Andrea Vignoli --
Earthquake-resistant and thermo-insulating infill panel with recycled-plastic joints / Marco Vailati and Giorgio Monti --
Base isolation and translation of a strategic building under a preservation order / Giorgio Monti, Marco Vailati and Roberto Marnetto --
Lessons from the Wenchuan earthquake / Yuansheng Wang, Shuihe Cao and Xin Zhang --
Lessons learned from the recent earthquakes in Iran / Mohammad Ashtari Jafari --
The impact of the great 1950 Assam earthquake on the frontal regions of the northeast Himalaya / R.K. Mrinalinee Devi and Pabon K. Bora --
Archaeoseismology in Sicily : past earthquakes and effects on ancient society / Carla Bottari --
The earthquakes of southern Italy from the 18th to the 20th centuries / Andrea Catalani --
Earthquake and people : the Maltese experience of the 1908 Messina earthquake / Ruben Paul Borg, Sebastiano D'Amico and Pauline Galea --
A Web application prototype for the multiscale modeling of seismic input / Franco Vaccari --
Rapid response to the earthquake emergencies in Italy : temporary seismic networks coordinated deployments in the last five years / Milena Moretti, Lucia Margheriti and Aladino Govoni --
The key role of eyewitnesses in rapid impact assessment of global earthquakes / Rémy Bossu, Robert Steed, Gilles Mazet-Roux, Fréderic Roussel, Caroline Etivant, Laurent Frobert and Stéphanie Godey --
Real-time mapping of earthquake perception areas in the Italian region from Twitter streams analysis / Luca D'Auria and Vincenzo Convertito --
The Easter Sunday 2011 earthquake swarm offshore Malta : analysis on felt reports / Matthew R. Agius, Sebastiano D'Amico and Pauline Galea --
Earthquake readiness and recovery : an Asia-Pacific perspective / Douglas Paton and Li-ju Jang --
Geoethics, neogeography and risk perception : myth, natural and human factors in archaic and postmodern society / Francesco De Pascale, Marcello bernardo, Franceso Muto, Alessandro Ruffolo and Valeria Dattilo --
Psychosocial support to people affected by the September 5, 2012, Costa Rica earthquake / Mario Fernandez, Lorena Saenz, Marco Carranza, Cristina Matamoros, Oscar Duran, Marlen Brenes, Andrea Alfaro, Carolina Solis, Stephanie Macluf, Auria Zarate, Diana Montealegre, Laura Hernandez, Vanessa Angulo, Daniel Chavarria, Diseiry Fernandez, Evelyn Rivera, Leonardo Umaña, Maria Fernanda Meneses, Patricia Zamora, Harols Suarez, Augusto Benavides and Edward Ruiz --
The Lisbon earthquake in the French literature / Rosarianna Zumbo and Maria S. Casella.